Dr. Samuel D. Schmid
Studiengangsmanager LUMACSS | Koordinator Digital Skills | Mitarbeiter Grants Office
T +41 41 229 56 04
samuel.schmid @ unilu.ch
Raum 3.A18
Sam absolvierte seinen BA in Politikwissenschaft und MA in Weltgesellschaft und Weltpolitik an der Universität Luzern. Sein Doktorat in Politikwissenschaft erhielt er 2021 vom Europäischen Hochschulinstitut in Florenz, wobei er die zwei letzten Jahre des Doktoratsstudiums als Fellow am Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften in Göttingen verbrachte. Während des Studiums war er auch als Forschungsmitarbeiter in verschiedenen Projekten tätig. Danach war er Oberassistent bei Prof. Dr. Alexander Trechsel und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Prof. Dr. Joachim Blatter. Seit April 2024 ist er als Mitarbeiter im Grants Office, als Studiengangmanager von LUMACSS und als Koordinator Digital Skills an der Uni Luzern tätig.
CV Samuel D. Schmid :: Publikationsliste
Persönliche Website: www.samdschmid.com
Vergleichende Einwanderungs- und Integrationspolitik
Wahlrechte und Demokratische Inklusion
Sozialwissenschaftliche Messung und Indexbildung
- Solano, G., Schmid, S. D., & Helbling, M. (2023). Extending Migrants’ Rights but Limiting Long-Term Settlement: Migrant Integration Policy Trends in EU and OECD Countries Between 2010 and 2019. International Migration Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/01979183231172102
- Blatter, J., Michel, E., & Schmid, S. D. (2022). Enfranchisement regimes beyond de-territorialization and post-nationalism: definitions, implications, and public support for different electorates. Democratization, 29 (7), 1208–1229. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7660965
- Blatter, J., Elie, M., & Samuel, S. (2022). Enfranchisement regimes beyond de-territorialization and post-nationalism: definitions, implications, and public support for different electorates. Democratization, 29 (7), 1208–1229. Abgerufen von https://doi.org/10.1080/13510347.2022.2037567
- Schmid, S. D. (2021). Stagnated Liberalization, Long-term Convergence, and Index Methodology: Three Lessons from the CITRIX Citizenship Policy Dataset. Global Policy, 12 (3), 338–349. https://doi.org/10.1111/1758-5899.12903
- Schmid, S. D. (2020). The architecture of national boundary regimes: mapping immigration and citizenship policies in 23 democracies 1980–2010. Comparative Migration Studies, 8 (25), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40878-020-00182-5
- Helbling, M., Simon, S., & Schmid, S. D. (2020). Restricting immigration to foster migrant integration? A comparative study across 22 European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46 (13), 2603–2624. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2020.1727316
- Schmid, S. D., Picooli, L., & Arrighi, J.-T. (2019). Non-universal suffrage: measuring electoral inclusion in contemporary democracies. European Political Science, 18, 695–713. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41304-019-00202-8
- Blatter, J., Schmid, S. D., & Blättler, A. (2017). Democratic Deficits in Europe: The Overlooked Exclusiveness of Nation-States and the Positive Role of the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (3), 449–467. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.12491
- Blättler, A. C., Blatter, J., & Schmid, S. D. (2020). Eine Demokratie mit Defiziten. 041 - Das Kulturmagazin.
- Blatter, J., Blättler, A., & Schmid, S. (2018). Politique d’inclusion: où en est la Suisse en comparaison européenne? Terra Cognita, 33, 66–68.
- Blättler, A. C., Blatter, J., & Schmid, S. D. (2018). Politique d’inclusion: où en est la Suisse en comparaison européenne? Terra Cognita.
- Schmid, S. D. (14. März 2024). Democratising Switzerland: The Significance of the New Naturalisation Initiative. Abgerufen von https://globalcit.eu/democratizing-switzerland/
- Schmid, S. D. (2023). Democratizing Switzerland: The Significance of the New Naturalization Initiative. https://doi.org/10.17176/20230602-231132-0
- Schmid, S. D. (2022). Upgrading German Citizenship The Unfounded Unease about Easing Naturalization in Germany. Abgerufen von https://verfassungsblog.de/upgrading-german-citizenship/
- Schmid, S. D. (2022). Upgrading German citizenship: The unfounded unease about easing naturalization in Germany. Abgerufen von https://globalcit.eu/upgrading-german-citizenship-the-unfounded-unease-about-easing-naturalization-in-germany/
- Blatter, J., Schmid, S. D., & Michel, E. (2022). Wer soll bei nationalen Wahlen mitbestimmen dürfen? Abgerufen von https://www.defacto.expert/2022/08/22/wer-soll-bei-nationalen-wahlen-mitbestimmen-durfen/
- Schmid, S. D. (2019). Die lokale Staatsbürgerschaftskrise in der Schweiz. Abgerufen von https://www.defacto.expert/2019/03/11/die-lokale-staatsbuergerschaftskrise-in-der-schweiz/
- Schmid, S. D. (2019). The local citizenship crisis in Switzerland. Abgerufen von https://globalcit.eu/the-local-citizenship-crisis-in-switzerland/
- Schmid, S. D., Piccoli, L., & Arrighi, J.-T. (2019). The new battles of the suffrage in today’s democracies. Abgerufen von https://globalcit.eu/the-new-battles-of-the-suffrage-in-todays-democracies/
- Schmid, S. D., Blatter, J., & Blättler, A. C. (2018). How the EU Mitigates a Fundamental Democratic Deficit of European Nation-States. Abgerufen von https://jcms.ideasoneurope.eu/2018/09/07/how-the-eu-mitigates-a-fundamental-democratic-deficit-of-european-nation-states/
- Blättler, A. C., Blatter, J., & Schmid, S. D. (2016). Bedenkliches Demokratiedefizit der Schweiz: Ein Viertel der Bevölkerung ist von demokratischer Mitbestimmung ausgeschlossen. Abgerufen von https://www.defacto.expert/2016/10/18/demokratiedefizit/
- Schmid, S. D. (27. Oktober 2022). Towards a Valid Global Citizenship Policy Index: Three Existing Approaches and a New Hybrid Approach. Abgerufen von https://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/74586
- Schmid, S. D., & Helbling, M. (2016). Validating the Immigration Policies in Comparison (IMPIC) Dataset (No. Discussion Paper SP VI 2016–202). Abgerufen von https://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/44764
- Blatter, J., Schmid, S. D., & Blättler, A. (2015). The Immigrant Inclusion Index (IMIX): A Tool for Assessing the Electoral Inclusiveness of Democracies with Respect to Immigrants: Second Edition (Working Paper Series “Global Governance and Democracy” No. 8). Abgerufen von https://zenodo.org/record/48774?ln=en#.VydK8Hrux3g
- Blatter, J., Schmid, S. D., & Blättler, A. (2015). The Immigrant Inclusion Index (IMIX): A Tool for Assessing the Electoral Inclusiveness of Democracies with Respect to Immigrants (Working Paper Series “Glocal Governance and Democracy” No. Working Paper #8, 2nd edition). Abgerufen von https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3008519
- Blatter, J., Blättler, A., & Schmid, S. D. (2015). What Happened/s to Inclusion? A Plea and Three Proposals for Closing the Gap between Democratic Theory and Empirical Measurement of Democracies (Political Concepts Committee on Concepts and Methods Working Paper Series No. 64).
- Blatter, J., Blättler, A., & Schmid, S. D. (2015). What Happens/ed to Inclusion? A Plea and Three Proposals for Closing the Gap Between Democratic Theory and Empirical Measurement of Democracies (IPSA Committee on Concepts and Methods Working Papers Series – Political Concepts No. Working Paper #64).
Weitere Forschungsleistungen
- Immigration and integration policy trends in Western democracies 1980-2019: Evolution or transformation? MIDEM Talk Series, Dresden, 2023
- Keynote address: Mental health for PhD researchers. IMISCOE PhD Day on academic mental health, Online, 2023
- Towards orderly migration or a new ‘walled’ order? Trends and dilemmas of contemporary migration policy. DEMSCORE Migration Policy Database (MIGPOL) Workshop, Uppsala, 2022
- Resolving the paradox of the liberal paradox: Immigration and citizenship policies in 23 democracies 1980-2010. IPW Lecture, Vienna, 2018
- Beyond the liberal paradox? Immigration and citizenship policies in 20 OECD countries 1980-2010. Migration Seminar, Maastricht, 2018
- The Price of Autocracy: Contextualizing the Openness-Rights Trade-Off in Labor Immigration. Colloquium on Migration and Diversity, Berlin, 2016
- Thesis of the Month, March 2022, Department of Social and Political Sciences at the European University Institute, 2022
- Honorable Mention for the Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award, IMISCOE Research Network (largest network in migration studies in Europe), 2022
- APSA Migration and Citizenship Section, Best Graduate Student Paper Award, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2022
- Three-Minute PhD Award in the Social Sciences, European University Institute, Florence, 2019
- Doctoral Fellowship, Department of Ethics, Law, and Politics, Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, 2019
- Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) 2017 Best Article Prize, University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), 2018
- MACIMIDE Junior Visiting Fellowship, Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE), Maastricht University, 2018
- Best Paper Award, Graduate Conference, NCCR on the move (large research cluster in migration studies in Switzerland), 2017
- Scholarship of the Swiss Confederation for doctoral studies at the European University Institute, Florence, Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, 2015
- Political Studies Review, 2023
- International Migration Review, 2023
- Journal of Common Market Studies, 2022
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021
- American Political Science Review, 2020
- British Journal of Political Science, 2020
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2020
- International Migration Review, 2020