Dr. Evelyne Tauchnitz
Forschungsmitarbeitende und Habilitandin
(Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics)
T +41 41 229 52 28 • Raum 3.B54 • evelyne.tauchnitz @ unilu.ch
Forschungsmitarbeitende und Habilitandin an der Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics am Institut für Sozialethik (ISE) der Universität Luzern. Forschungsprojekt und Habilitation zu Chancen, Risiken und Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien auf Frieden und bewaffnete Konflikte aus ethischer Perspektive. Seit April 2018 wissenschaftliche Forschungsexpertin (‘Research Associate’) und Koordinatorin des Global PeaceTech Programmes am Centre for Technology and Global Affairs (CTGA), Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), University of Oxford.
Zuvor Studium der Politikwissenschaft, Volkswirtschaft und Recht an der Universität Bern und Barcelona (Lizentiat). Abschlussarbeit zur Wasserpolitik in Äthiopien im Rahmen des Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research North-South (NCCR) und Swisspeace. Von 2011-2016 Anstellung als Forschungsmitarbeiterin beim Institut für Öffentliches Recht an der Universität Bern im Rahmen eines vom Schweizerischen Nationalfond (SNF) geförderten Projektes zu internationalen Menschenrechten, Normen, politischen Konflikten und der Legitimität von Staatsgewalt. Forschungsaufenthalte und Gastvorlesungen am Centre for the Study of Law and Governance (CSLG), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, und am Colegio de México (COLMEX), Mexico City. Sommer 2016 Promotion / PhD in Internationalen Beziehungen mit Spezialisierung in Politikwissenschaften am Graduate Institute (IHEID) in Genf. Stipendium der Falling Walls Foundation, Berlin (2016) und Young Global Changer (YGC) am Think 20 Global Solutions Summit in Berlin (2017). Im Jahr 2017/18 ‘Visiting Fellow’ (Post-Doc) am Department of Political and Social Sciences (SPS) des European University Institutes (EUI) in Florenz, Italien. Erfahrung in empirischen und normativen Methoden, sowie Feldforschung in Äthiopien, Indien und Mexico. Berufserfahrung in der Beratung (Unicef; Intermon-Oxfam) und Projektmanagement (Berner Fachhochschule BFH; ‘Theater for Peace’, Davis Foundation; Schweizer Parlamentsdienste; Botschaft des H.K. von Jordanien; Centre for Development and Envirionment, Universität Bern). Ehrenamtliches Engagement für lokale zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen in Äthiopien & Indien.
• Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
• Digitaler Wandel und neue Technologien
• Menschenrechte
• Internationale Beziehungen & Global Governance
• Normen, Diskurse und Verhandlungensstrategien
• Empirische und normative Theorien & Methoden
PeaceTech - Building Peace in the Digital Age
- Tauchnitz, E. (2024). Alte und neue Haftungslücken im digitalen Zeitalter. Stratos – Militärwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Schweizer Armee. Abgerufen von https://backend.vtg.admin.ch/fileservice/sdweb-docs-prod-vtgch-files/files/2024/12/03/4f4a2086-27f5-4be7-88d5-38a47f5d2619.pdf
- Tauchnitz, E. (2024). Framing Ethical e-Governance: A Plaidoyer for a Human-Rights based Digital Democracy Approach. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Journals. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1145/3680127.3680182
- Tauchnitz, E. (2024). Making Military Interventions Obsolete Crafting R2P’s Peaceful Future through Principled Negotiation Strategies. International Negotiation. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1163/15718069-bja10110
- Tauchnitz, E. (2023). Enhancing Global Governance to Safeguard Peace in the Digital Age. Think7 Policy Papers, Task Force: Peace, Security, and Global Governance, Japan 2023. Abgerufen von https://www.global-solutions-initiative.org/policy_brief/enhancing-global-governance-to-safeguard-peace-in-the-digital-age/
- Tauchnitz, E. (2022). The deadly protection trap: the ‘instrumentalisation’ of fundamental human right norms by state actors in the Mexican Drug War. Critical Military Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/23337486.2021.1965819
- Tauchnitz, E. (2020). Am siebten Tag aber sollst du ruhen. Schweizerische Kirchenzeitung SKZ, (16), 1. Abgerufen von https://www.kirchenzeitung.ch/article/am-siebten-tag-aber-sollst-du-ruhen-ex-23-12-21290
- Protección mortal: La nueva ley de seguridad interna y la guerra contra las drogas. (2018). Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica. Abgerufen von https://revistafal.com/proteccion-mortal/
- Water Policy Networks in Egypt and Ethiopia. (2008). The Journal of Environment & Development. https://doi.org/10.1177/1070496508320205
- Tauchnitz, E. (2023). Digital Change and Violence. In Kirchschlaeger, Peter (Hrsg.), Violence – Protest – Inequality from an Ethical Perspective. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich. Abgerufen von https://www.tvz-verlag.ch/buch/violence-protest-inequality-from-an-ethical-perspective-9783290202019/?page_id=1
- Kirchschlaeger, Peter (Hrsg.). (2023). Haftungslücken schliessen: Die Forderung nach einer kumulativen Anwendung von Menschenrechten und humanitärem Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten und Kriegen vor dem Hintergrund der digitalen Transformation. In Menschenrechte: Aktuelle philosophische und ethische Fragestellungen. Zürich: TVZ. Abgerufen von https://www.tvz-verlag.ch/buch/menschenrechte-9783290202439.pdf
- Tauchnitz, E. (2023). Safeguarding Peace and Human Wellbeing for Future Generations - Do We Need a New UN Convention? In Mathis, Klaus & Tor, Avishalom (Hrsg.), Law and Economics of the Digital Transformation (Bd. 15, S. 409–426). Switzerland: Springer Nature. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25059-0
- Tauchnitz, E. (im Druck). The Use of Digital Technologies for Crisis Management and their Impact on Civil and Political Rights. In Wolfgang Amann et al. (Hrsg.), Humanistic Crisis Management. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Abgerufen von https://link.springer.com/book/9783031042515
- AI-U/1.0: A student guide to navigating college in the artificial intelligence era. (19. August 2024). Abgerufen von https://studentguidetoai.org/download-the-student-guide-to-ai/
- Tauchnitz, E. (29. Februar 2024). The AI-fueled transition challenges the way we live and experience everything (Experts Imagine the Impact of Artificial Intelligence by 2040). Abgerufen von https://imaginingthedigitalfuture.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/AI2040-FINAL-White-Paper-2-2.29.24.pdf
- Tauchnitz, E., & Watashiba, T. (2023). UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and their application in the technology sector.
- IGF 2019 Best Practice Forum on Internet of Things Big Data Artificial Intelligence. (2020). Abgerufen von https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/filedepot_download/8398/1915
- Tauchnitz, E. (2023). WSIS FORUM 2023 Interviews: Action Line Facilitators #2. Geneva. Abgerufen von https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neTKiS3rXjY
- Renda, A., Nicoladis, K., Tauchnitz, E., & Verhulst, S. (2. November 2022). Global Peace Tech: Unlocking the better angels of our tech. Abgerufen von https://eu.eventscloud.com/website/3030/global-peace-tech-unlocking-the-better-angels-of-our-tech/
- Defourny, V., Tauchnitz, E., & Joubeaud, E. (31. Oktober 2021). What Unites Us: Peace Geneva Africa. Geneva. Abgerufen von https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6Hbmm_dSUA
Weitere Forschungsleistungen
- Technological Innovation and Conflict Mediation. (Panel-)Beitrag, Inaugural session of the Qatar Mediation Forum, Doha Forum, Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies, Doha, 2024
- Frieden als Transformationsprozess. Referat, 7. Ranfter Gespräche: Erinnern und Versöhnen – Spritualität als Chance, Zentrum Ranft, Zentrum Ranft, 2024
- Was ist Friedensforschung und wie wird man zur/m Friedensforscher/in? Referat, Ökumenische Bildungswoche, Plus Bildung, Zürich und Bern, 2024
- Digitale Rechte: Sicherheit und Effizienz versus Freiheit und Schutz der Privatsphäre. Chair/Panel-Moderation, Swiss Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Swiss IGF, Bern, 2024
- Building Inclusive Global Digital Governance. (Panel-)Beitrag, UNCTAD e-Week, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), UNCTAD, Genf, 2024
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Fluch oder Segen? (Panel-)Beitrag, Künstliche Intelligenz - Fluch oder Segen?, Debatierhaus Karl der Grosse, Zürich, 2024
- Menschenrechte während bewaffneten Konflikten: Alte und neue Haftungslücken im Digitalen Zeitalter. Referat, Militärethik, Eidgenössisches Departement für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport (VBS), Luzern, 2024
- Shared vulnerabilities as building blocks for peace. Referat, War and Peace Series, Global Women’s Narrative Project, Oxford, 2024
- Framing Ethical e-Governance: A Plaidoyer for a Human-Rights based Digital Democracy Approach. Referat, Trust and Ethical Digital Governance for the World We Want, ICEGov2024: United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-driven Electronic Governance, Pretoria, 2024
- Strategic learning for transformative innovation. Diskussionsbeitrag, ETIN side-event on strategic learning for transformative innovation, UN-ECE Transformative Innovation Network (ETIN), Geneva, 2023
- Governance for Peace in the Digital Age. Referat, International Research Workshop on Ethics of Digital Transformation, Institut für Sozialethik ISE, Luzern, 2023
- Promoting Human Rights through an International Data Agency. Chair/Panel-Moderation, 18th Annual Meeting of the UN Internet Governance Forum, UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Kyoto, 2023
- Defining PeaceTech: Grounding Technological Developments in Ethics and Human Rights. Referat, Governing Tech for Peace: a Multistakeholder Approach, UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Kyoto, 2023
- Ethics of the Digital Transformation in Times of Peace and War. Referat, Global Justice Conference, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Kyoto, 2023
- Negotiating for Humanity: The Council of Europe's Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law discussed from an ethical perspective. Referat, Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights-Based Decision-Making, University of Strathclyde Law School & Global Digital Human Rights Network Symposium, Glasgow, 2023
- High-Level Policy Session 9: ICT Applications and Services / Climate Change. Chair/Panel-Moderation, World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, 2023
- High-Level Policy Session 9: ICT Applications and Services / Climate Change. (Schluss-)statement;(Schluss-)zusammenfassung, World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, 2023
- Ethics and AI for and with Society: Ethical Design. Referat, World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, 2023
- Internet’s contrasts: rights/obligations, inclusion/exclusion, in/accessibility, dis/connection. Chair/Panel-Moderation, 17th Annual Meeting of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Addis Ababa, 2022
- Global PeaceTech Atlas: how emerging technologies and their regulation can contribute to a sustainable transnational peace. Referat, 17th Annual Meeting of the UN Internet Governance Forum, UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Addis Ababa, 2022
- Towards Ethical Design and Implementation of AI in Peacebuilding. (Panel-)Beitrag, Global PeaceTech Conference 2022, AI for Peace, Florenz, 2022
- Global PeaceTech, Human Rights and Ethics. Referat, Gobal PeaceTech Conference 2022, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Florenz, 2022
- Safeguarding Peace and Human Wellbeing for Future Generations – Do We Need a New UN Convention? Referat, 9th Law and Economics Conference on “Law and Economics of the Digital Transformation", Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne, Prof. Dr. iur. Klaus Mathis, Luzern, 2022
- Chair and Moderation of Panel 3B, Law and Economics of the Digital Transformation. Chair/Panel-Moderation, Law and Economics of the Digital Transformation, Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne; The Law School, University of Notre Dame, Luzern, 2022
- «Human Rights-Based Data-Based Systems». Referat, 16th Annual Internet Governance Forum Meeting, UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Katowice, hybrid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUrYLCzg6H0&t=3196s, 2021
- Human Rights-Based Data-Based Systems. Applicant, institutional liaison, organization of institutional involvement, presentation, panel discussion contribution, and moderation of subsequent discussion, 16th Annual Internet Governance Forum, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Katowice, 2021
- Key Takeaways, Call to Action, and Session Report for: “Human Rights-Based Data-Based Systems”. Report concerning session, 16th Annual Internet Governance Forum, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Katowice, 2021
- Technology, Human Rights and Ethics: A Research Agenda. Referat, 16th Annual Internet Governance Forum Meeting. Networking Session: Global PeaceTech, UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Katowice, 2021
- Narratives of war and peace: "What Unites Us – Building Peace in Ethiopia by Exploring Similarities in Patterns of Women’s Narratives across Ethnic Divisions" Referat, 14th Pan-European Conference for International Relations, European International Studies Association (EISA), Online, 2021
- Digital War & Security - "PeaceTech: Building-Peace in the Digital Age – A Critical Discussion of Future Perspectives”. Referat, 14th Pan-European Conference for International Relations, European International Studies Association (EISA), Online, 2021
- Cyber Security - The Transition of Norms into International Law. Referat, Alternative Security Conference - Security for whom?, DiEM25 - Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, Online, 2021
- Countering Terrorism Outside - Big Data at War. Referat, Big Data in the Counter-Terrorism Context: Uses and Boundaries, Asser Institute, Centre for International & European Law, Online, 2021
- Digital Transformation and Violence. Referat, International Conference "Violence – Protest – Inequality from an Ethical Perspective", Institut für Sozialethik, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2020
- Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Data and New Technologies. Diskussionsbeitrag, Virtual Internet Governance Forum 2020, United Nations Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Virtual, 2020
- Horizon scan on cyber peace. (Panel-)Beitrag, Global Town Hall Meeting: A New Vision for Peacemaking, Geneva Peace Week, Geneva, 2020
- Peace Technology. Referat, War and Peace: Deliberations on Conflict, Peacebuilding and Finding Hope in Challenging Times, Oxford Initiative for Global Ethics and Human Rights, Oxford, 2020
- Best Practice Forum on IoT, Big Data, AI; Policy challenges & Best Practices to address them. (Panel-)Beitrag, IGF 2019 | Internet Governance Forum, United Nations Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum, Berlin, 2019
- Bridging physical and social borders through electronic voting in conflict regions. Referat, Build Peace 2019, Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego, USA; Escuela Libre de Arquitectura, Tijuana, Mexico, Online, 2019
- Negotiating Human Life: New Perspectives on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). Referat, General Conference, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Berlin, 2018
- Art and Political Activism in Theory and Practice. Chair/Panel-Moderation, General Conference, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Berlin, 2018
- The Discursive Tool-Box: How to Fix / Prevent Fundamental Human Rights Norms Violations. Referat, General Conference, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Berlin, 2018
- Künstliche Intelligenz und Direkte Demokratie. Diskussionsbeitrag, Ja oder Nein – eine Partei im Kreuzverhör, Sogar Theater, Zürich, 2024
- Tracing disinformation through narrative analysis. Diskussionsbeitrag, Dismantling Disinformation: The Swiss Landscape, US Embassy, Bern, 2024
- Policy Recommendations for Reinforcing Europe’s capacity to guide the development and deployment of AI in ways aligned to human rights and European values. Diskussionsbeitrag, Beyond the horizon: A human friendly deployment of artificial intelligence and related technologies, Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), Nizza, 2023
- Towards a Human-Rights Based Digital Democracy. Diskussionsbeitrag, Digital Democracy: Promises and Realities, Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), Nizza, 2023
- Policy Recommendations for the Public Sector for Improving the Effectivity and Fairness of Socio-Eocnomic Value Creation and Distribution of Networks. Diskussionsbeitrag, Framing Interdependencies between Rule of Law and Socio-Economic outcomes, Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), Nizza, 2023
- Investing for Peace – Unpacking the Opportunities and Challenges of Peace Engineering, Tech Design and Financial Investment Strategies. Referat, Peace Data for PeaceTech and Peace Engineering, Peace Innovation Lab, Stanford University, Den Haag & online, 2023
- Digital Human Rights. Diskussionsbeitrag, Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence, Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), Kuressaare, 2023
- Digital Human Rights. Diskussionsbeitrag, GDHRNet Meeting in Rijeka, Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), Rijeka, 2023
- Governance for Peace and Digital Transformation. Präsentation, International Research Workshop on Ethics of Digital Transformation, Institut für Sozialethik ISE, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2023
- Governance, Ethics and Human Rights. Diskussionsbeitrag, Global PeaceTech Debrief, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute (EUI), Online, 2021
- Human Rights and Business. Diskussionsbeitrag, Tech in Conflict Workshop, Toda Peace Institute & JustPeace Labs, Online, 2021
- Connecting the voices of women. Präsentation, Kritische Perspektiven auf Digitalisierung: Fokus Geschlecht, Universität Bern, Bern, 2019
- Critical Reflections and Summary Note on PeaceTech. Diskussionsbeitrag, The Global PeaceTech Programme: Unlocking the Better Angels of our Techne, Centre for Technology and Global Affairs (CTGA), University of Oxford, Oxford, 2019
- Theologische Ethik. Diskussionsbeitrag, 3. Treffen Deutschschweizer Kolloquium Theologische Ethik, Theologische Hochschule Chur, Zürich, 2019
- Digitale Rechte: Sicherheit und Effizienz versus Freiheit und Schutz der Privatsphäre, Organisation einer Sektion/eines Panels, Bern, 2024
- Main Session on Human Rights and Freedoms, Organisation einer Sektion/eines Panels, Kyoto, 2023
- Main Session on Artificial Intelligence, Mitglied Organisationskomitee, Kyoto, 2023
- Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Art & Ethics, Tagungsleiter/in, Zürich, 2023
- Main Session: Connecting all People & Safeguarding Human Rights, Mitglied Organisationskomitee, Addis Ababa, 2022
- Human Rights as Ethical Minimal Standard for Peace in the Digital Age, (Co-)Organisator/in, Online, 2022
- Human Rights as Ethical Minimal Standard for Peace in the Digital Age, Leitung/Moderation Paneldiskussion, Online, 2022
- UN Internet Governance Forum: Main Session on Economic and Social Inclusion and Human Rights, Mitglied Organisationskomitee, Katowice, 2021
- UN Internet Governance Forum: Preparatory Session on Economic and Social Inclusion and Human Rights, Organisation einer Sektion/eines Panels, Online, 2021
- PeaceTech - Governance for Peace in the Digital Age, Leitung/Moderation Paneldiskussion, Geneva, 2020
- Working Group on fundamental and vertical dimension of human rights online; Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EU COST Action), Mitglied, Belgien, 2022–
- Peacenexus Foundation, Vorstandsmitglied, Schweiz, 2022–
- Schweizerische Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Mitglied, Schweiz, 2022–
- Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET), Mitglied, Schweiz, 2021–
- European International Studies Association (EISA), Mitglied, Schweiz, 2018–
- Kommissionsmitglied, EU COST Action “Regaining linkage? Digital technologies improving civic engagement, political organisations and democracy” (RELINK²), 2024–
- Kommissionsmitglied, EU COST Action “Peace Research Community Europe” (PEACE), European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2024–
- Vice-Chair of the Panel on AI & Peacebuilding, International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE), 2024–
- Mitglied eines wissenschaftlichen Beirats, International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE), 2023–
- Mitglied eines wissenschaftlichen Beirats, Oxford Initiative for Global Ethics and Human Rights, 2023–
- Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), 2022–
- Gastforscher/in, Oxford Initiative for Global Ethics and Human Rights, 2020–
- Gastforscher/in, Centre for Technology and Global Affairs (CTGA), University of Oxford, 2019–2024
- Coordinator: Ethics of Human Rights in Tech Governance, Global PeaceTech Hub, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute (EUI), 2022–2024
- Management Committee Member, COST Action: CA19143 - Global Digital Human Rights Network, 2022–2024
- Mitglied eines wissenschaftlichen Beirats, The Seventh European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-Arts), 2022–2023
- Mitglied des Steuerungsgruppe, Swiss Internet Governance Forum, 2020–
- Mitglied, Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), 2020–2024
- Wissenschaftliche Expertin, Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence & other Emerging Technologies, WG 3-1: Guidelines on the implementation of eco-friendly criteria for AI and emerging technologies, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 2020–2023
- Working Group on fundamental and vertical dimension of human rights online; Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EU COST Action), Mitglied, Belgien, 2022–
- Peacenexus Foundation, Vorstandsmitglied, Schweiz, 2022–
- Schweizerische Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Mitglied, Schweiz, 2022–
- Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET), Mitglied, Schweiz, 2021–
- European International Studies Association (EISA), Mitglied, Schweiz, 2018–
- Kommissionsmitglied, EU COST Action “Peace Research Community Europe” (PEACE), European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2024–
- Kommissionsmitglied, EU COST Action “Regaining linkage? Digital technologies improving civic engagement, political organisations and democracy” (RELINK²), 2024–
- Vice-Chair of the Panel on AI & Peacebuilding, International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE), 2024–
- Mitglied eines wissenschaftlichen Beirats, International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE), 2023–
- Mitglied eines wissenschaftlichen Beirats, Oxford Initiative for Global Ethics and Human Rights, 2023–
- Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), 2022–
- Kommissionsmitglied, Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet), European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EU COST Action), 2022–
- Gastforscher/in, Oxford Initiative for Global Ethics and Human Rights, 2020–
- Gastforscher/in, Centre for Technology and Global Affairs (CTGA), University of Oxford, 2019–2024
- Coordinator: Ethics of Human Rights in Tech Governance, Global PeaceTech Hub, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute (EUI), 2022–2024
- Management Committee Member, COST Action: CA19143 - Global Digital Human Rights Network, 2022–2024
- Mitglied eines wissenschaftlichen Beirats, The Seventh European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-Arts), 2022–2023
- Mitglied des Steuerungsgruppe, Swiss Internet Governance Forum, 2020–
- Mitglied, Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF), 2020–2024
- Wissenschaftliche Expertin, Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence & other Emerging Technologies, WG 3-1: Guidelines on the implementation of eco-friendly criteria for AI and emerging technologies, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 2020–2023