Human Resource Management (HRM)
Inspiring Leadership
Organisation and Change Management
HR Business Simulation
More information at BA in Economics and Management
Strategic Human Resource Management
HR Business Simulation
People Analytics
More information at MA in Economics and Management
Topic List for Term Papers (DE)
Guidelines for Writing a Term Paper (DE)
Agreement for Term Papers (DE)
Evaluation Criteria for Term Papers (DE)
Bachelor and master theses in the field of psychometric tests for the selection of managers (DE)
Topic List for Bachelor and Master Theses
Instruction for Writing a Bachelor and Master Theses
Instruction artificial intelligence (AI)
Application Form
Agreement for Bachelor and Master Theses
Evaluation Criteria for Literature-based Bachelor and Master Theses
Evaluation Criteria for Empirical Bachelor and Master Theses
JUMS - Call for Theses
Guidelines for the Use of Literature and References According to APA
Template emp. Works (DE)
Template emp. Works (EN)
Gender Differences in Professional Networking: Implications for Employees' Career Advancement. Literature-based Bachelor Thesis.
Gender Differences in Professional Networking: Implications for Employees' Career Advancement
Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit: wer fühlt sich gefährdet? Alter als Einlussfaktor auf die Arbeitsplatzsicherheit. Empirical Semester Thesis.
Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit: wer fühlt sich gefährdet?
Wenn Mitarbeitendenentwicklung sich lohnt. Analyse des Einflusses auf Fluktuation. Empirical Semester Thesis.
Wenn Mitarbeitendenentwicklung sich lohnt
Vertrauensvoll und mächtig – Wie beeinflusst die Vorgesetzten-Mitarbeitenden-Beziehung und die Macht der Vorgesetzten das Commitment der Mitarbeitenden. Empirical Semester Thesis.
Analysis of the Well-Being of Part-Time Workers in Switzerland. Empirical Master Thesis.
Analysis of the Well-Being of Part-Time Workers in Switzerland