MOL Representation in the Senate

The academic mid-level is represented by three persons in the Senate. You can find the current representatives on the following website: MOL Representatives.

What is the Senate?

The Senate is the supreme body for academic matters. The business that is negotiated and voted on in the Senate is of central importance to the research, teaching and working conditions of the academic mid-level, as well as the medium and long-term direction of the University. They range from the appointment of professors, changes to the university statutes, the establishment of new degree programmes, to budget discussions. In addition, the Senate submits proposals to the University Council, the University's strategic management and supervisory body.

What is the composition of the Senate?

Together with the student organisation SOL, the MOL has five seats in the Senate, with the academic mid-level currently occupying three of these seats. In addition to the representation of the academic mid-level and the students, the Senate consists of the Rector, the Deans, the University Manager, representatives of the professors, as well as a representative of the administrative-technical staff (a more detailed description can be found in the Organisational Regulations of the Senate, which is linked below).

What are the tasks of mid-level representatives in the Senate?

There are three basic ways for MOL representatives to represent the concerns and interests of the MOL in the Senate. Firstly, business is decided by vote in the Senate. Each MOL representative has one vote. The decision is made by simple majority. Thus, the MOL has considerable voting power. Secondly, discussions on business take place in the Senate. In this way, the representatives can present the MOL's perspective and highlight the interests of the academic mid-level. Thirdly, the MOL representatives have the opportunity to submit their own proposals and to put items on the agenda. In this way, the MOL can initiate innovations on its own in order to further improve the working conditions and opportunities of the mid-level faculty.

Representatives are required to attend and prepare for Senate meetings and to participate in the drafting of motions by the MOL. Six regular senate meetings are held annually, the majority of which fall during the lecture period. The duration of a meeting is variable, but averages between one and one and a half hours. Before each meeting, Senate members are sent confidential documents describing and preparing the business to be transacted. Conscientious study of these documents is essential. In the Senate meetings, it is assumed that the contents are known. As these are extensive documents, reviewing them can take considerable time, although this depends on the complexity of the business in question. Finally, the preparation of a motion by the MOL also takes time. For this purpose, the documents have to be prepared, a proposal has to be made and, if necessary, discussions have to be held with different parties. However, the preparation of such business usually has a medium-term time horizon, so that the workload is spread out.

For how long is the term of office for a MOL representative?

The representatives of the mid-level are elected by the mid-level and generally hold their position for two years. Representation in the Senate is a voluntary commitment that is not financially compensated. However, due to the central position of the Senate within the university organisation, the representation of the MOL is particularly important. Representatives have the opportunity to have a say in central decisions, to promote the concerns of the MOL in discussions and to submit their own proposals. In addition, the activity offers an exciting insight into current developments in university politics.

Further links:

Organisational Regulations of the Senate