MOL Representation in the University Teaching Commission (ULEKO)

The academic mid-level is represented by one person in the University Teaching Commission (ULEKO). You can find the current representative on the following website: MOL Representatives.

The University Teaching Commission (ULEKO) of the University of Lucerne deals with questions concerning the development of teaching and university didactics. Its task is to assess and promote new forms of teaching and technologies for teaching and to develop principles for good teaching. In addition, the ULEKO is responsible for project funding of innovative teaching projects by the teaching staff of the University of Lucerne.

The members of the Teaching Commission are elected by the Senate for a term of two years. The commission consists of at least seven members, whereby the faculties, the academic staff and the students are each represented by one person. The guiding principles of the ULEKO provide guidance for good teaching at the University of Lucerne and show ways to implement it. The criteria for good teaching cannot be defined in absolute terms, but only by taking into account the particularities of the individual subjects or disciplines and never conclusively. They are intended to support lecturers, programme directors and faculties in their efforts to further improve teaching.