Psychological counselling

Dr. phil. Sibylle Matter
Psychologische Beratungsstelle
Campus Luzern
Sentimatt 1
CH-6003 Luzern
Raum 134
T +41 41 203 02 15


The Psychological Advice Centre of the University of Lucerne, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) and the University of Teacher Education (PHLU) offers students, lecturers and employees support, advice and assistance in specific stress situations and with problems connected with university study or everyday professional life. 

The advice is free of charge and confidential. An appointment is required.

Psychological Advice Centre Campus Lucerne



M.Sc. Jonas Bamert
Psychologische Beratungsstelle
Campus Luzern
Sentimatt 1
CH-6003 Luzern
Raum 134
T +41 41 203 04 44

Die Dargebotene Hand

Die Dargebotene Hand bietet ebenfalls diskrete und anonyme Beratung rund um die Uhr – per Telefon 143, E-Mail oder Chat. (only in German)