CAS in Information Management and Leadership

Demanding leadership situations are often characterised by the fact that necessary information is available too late, is unreliable or at times not communicated at all. Situations such as these are marked by an uncertain environment in which there is a lack of understanding about the forces at play. Navigating through these situations and dealing with uncertainty and complexity are therefore key skills of any leader.

The “Certificate of Advanced Study in Information Management and Leadership" (CAS IM) addresses factors surrounding uncertain environments as well as possible tools for dealing with them. The course focuses on two main perspectives: the notion of information, as well as the handling of information, from procurement to analysis to dissemination.

The "CAS IM" can be completed as part of the "MAS in Effective Leadership” or independently, as an individual course. The "MAS in Effective Leadership" offers an ideal partnership with the Swiss Armed Forces College (SAFC), making it advantageous to participants without a military background, which can enrich their skills through exposure to the content of military leadership training.