Board of Directors

Professor of Philosophy
T +41 41 229 55 30 • Room 3.A42 • nadja.elkassar @
More information about Prof. Dr. Nadja El Kassar ( Department of Pilosophy)

Assistant Professor of Anthropology
T +41 41 229 55 72 • Roomm 3.A31 •
More information about Prof. Dr. Sandra Bärnreuther (Ethnologie)

Professor of Cultural Studies
T +41 41 229 54 74 • Room 3.A30 •
More information about Prof. Dr. Boris Previšić (Seminar für Kulturwissenschaften)
GSL Office

Helena Bardoukas
T +41 41 229 57 54 • Room 3.A19 •
Ursula Kopp
Responsible for expense reports from GSL members
T +41 41 229 55 82 • Raum 3.B04 • contact for expenses: gsl • direct contact: @ unilu.chursula.kopp @
Liaison Officer

nicole.schraner @
Further Information regarding Nicole Schraner
As the GSL's liaison officer, Nicole Schraner attends all GSL board meetings. If not specifically asked to represent a perspective held by a majority of GSL members, she represents the perspective of doctoral students from a subjective point of view.
If wishing to remain anonymous to the GSL Board or GSL Office, GSL members can also contact Nicole Schraner at any time and ask her to bring topics of discussion before the GSL board and/ or office.
Writing Coach

T +41 41 229 56 00, +41 79 368 71 37 • Raum 3.A 02 • andreas.tunger @
More Information about Dr. Andreas Tunger-Zanetti
The writing coach supports GSL members during the process of writing a dissertation: He offers courses during the semester, organizes writing retreats, and by request accompanies peer-to-peer writing groups as well as offers individual coaching regarding writing challenges both big and small. Due to limited time available, it is recommended to contact him well in advance.
Prof. Rudolf Stichweh (Member of the Board, 8/2010 - 12/2011)
Prof. Joachim Blatter (Member of the Board, 8/2010 - 7/2011)
Prof. Martin Baumann (Member of the Board, 8/2010 - 12/2012)
Prof. Martin Hartmann (Member of the Board, 8/2011 - 12/2014)
Prof. Gerold Stucki (Member of the Board, 1/2012 - 3/2013)
Prof. Daniel Speich (Member of the Board, 4/2013 - 12/2014)
Prof. Marianne Sommer (Member of the Board, 1/2015 - 7/2017)
Prof. Alexander Trechsel (Member of the Board, 7/2017-8/2018)
Prof. Sara Rubinelli (Member of the GSL Board, 3/2017-6/2020)
Dr. Franziska Struzek-Krähenbühl (Coordinator, 08/2010 - 07/2012)
Dr. Christina Cuonz (Managing Director, 08/2012-09/2016)
Dr. Stephan Kirchschlager (Substitute of Managing Director)
Dr. Nadja Wobbe (Substitute of Managing Director)
Andreas Heise (Liaison Officer, 11/2012 - 11/2013 )
Nicola Groth (Liaison Officer, 12/2013 - 3/2015)
Johannes Saal (Liaison Officer, 03/2016 - 3/2019)
Marino Ferri (Liaison Officer, 4/2019-12/2020)
Veronika Reumann (Scientific Assistant, 2/2012 - 3/2013 )
Céline Deprez (Student employee, 5/2013 - 12/2013)
Jennifer Solenthaler (Student employee, 1/2017 - 12/2017)
Sarah Kaiser (Scientific Assistant, 01/2014 - 12/2019)
Michael Widmer (Student Employee, 01/2018 - 09/2020)
Konstantin Kreibich (Student Employee, 03/2022 - 10/2022)