
Foto Stefan Boes

Prof. Stefan Boes, PhD

Director Center for Health, Policy and Economics
T +41 41 229 59 49 • Alpenquai 4, Room 10 •
More information about Prof. Stefan Boes

Foto Joachim Blatter

Prof. Joachim Blatter, PhD

Co-Director Center for Health, Policy and Economics
T +41 41 229 55 92 •
More information about Prof. Joachim Blatter

Foto Lukas Schmid

Prof. Lukas D. Schmid, PhD

Co-Director Center for Health, Policy and Economics
T +41 41 229 58 50 •
More information about Prof. Lukas D. Schmid

Foto Andreas Balthasar

Prof. Andreas Balthasar, PhD

Titular professor of political science
T +41 41 226 04 26 •
More information about Prof. Andreas Balthasar

Foto Armin Gemperli

Prof. Armin Gemperli, PhD

Professor of Health Sciences with a focus in Rehabilitation Services Research
T +41 41 229 59 40 • Alpenquai 4, Room 13 •
More information about Prof. Armin Gemperli

Foto Simon Lüchinger

Prof. Dr. Simon Lüchinger

Faculty of Economics and Management
T +41 41 229 56 41 •
More information about Prof. Simon Lüchinger

Sarah Mantwill, PhD

Research Manager SLHS
T +41 41 229 59 45 • Inseliquai 10, Room 210 •
More information about Sarah Mantwill

Foto Bernhard Rütsche

Prof. Bernhard Rütsche, PhD

Faculty of Law
T +41 41 229 53 69 •
More information about Prof. Bernhard Rütsche

Prof. Dr. Christoph A. Schaltegger

Prof. Christoph Schaltegger, PhD

Faculty of Economics and Management
T +41 41 229 56 40 •
More information about Prof. Christoph Schaltegger

Foto Tess Bardy

Tess Bardy, PhD

T +41 41 229 59 48 • Alpenquai 4, Room 5 •
More information about Tess Bardy

Foto Kathryn Dawson

Kathryn Ann Dawson-Townsend, PhD

Lecturer and Research Officer in Management in Health Care
T +41 41 229 57 53 • Alpenquai 4, Room 7 •
More information about Kathryn Ann Dawson-Townsend