New Here & First Semester
Browse the following pages and you will find the most important information about our library and your literature search!
Opening Hours
Regular opening hours
Monday - Friday Saturday | 7.30 - 21.30 7.45 - 15.30 |
Divergent opening hours
For updated information consult the website of the ZHB (especially for local holidays and summer openings).
Sunday opening
For students there are supplementary Sunday openings during the exam preparation period.
Summer closure
As a rule, the library is closed during the first two weeks of August. During this period our local holdings can then be ordered to our location at Sempacherstrasse.
Reduced summer opening hours
In July and the second half of August, we close as early as 18.30.
Create a Library Account
Your CampusCard is also your library card. For the borrowing of media you have to register with your Switch edu-ID at swisscovery (our library system).
Please enter a private email address in addition to the unilu email address and do not forget to enter the IDS number from the CampusCard during the registration. If you need help please contact the information desk in the library.
Search for Media
In our library catalogue swisscovery you will find printed and electronic resources for your studies. We recommend starting via the "Uni/PH-View":
Borrowing Media
For borrowable media, the regular lending period is 28 days (in the area of law: 14 days). If there are no reservations, the lending period is automatically extended up to 168 days (Law: 84 days). You can find everything else about borrowing and using the reference collections on the website of ZHB Lucerne.
Media from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, ZHB Sempacherstrasse, Lucerne Pedagogical Media Centre, and also from our external magazine in the Swiss Cooperative Storage Library can be ordered via the swisscovery search portal. They will be made available to you free of charge on the self-service hold shelf here in the library.
Media from 470 other Swiss libraries outside the central Switzerland region can be ordered via the swisscovery search portal for CHF 6 per item and delivered via courier to the Uni/PH building location.
There are 100 day lockers available on the first basement floor of the building. The deposit is CHF 1 and the lockers are to be emptied in the evening.
In addition, it is possible to rent a locker for the whole semester, or for a week only. To rent a key, please go to the University of Lucerne information desk on the ground floor.
Learning spaces
We offer 670 seats for learning and working. Free workplaces you can also find via our Seat Navigator ("Uni/PH Gebäude"). There are also 4 group rooms and 6 chatpods, which can be reserved at the information desk in the library.
Is the library too crowded? At our location at ZHB Sempacherstrasse there are further workspaces including WiFi infrastructure.
Print, Copy & Scan
Four printers may be used, as well as special book scanners and mobile scanners. Documents can also be printed via USB stick (CHF 0.10 per b/w page A4). Scanning of documents is free of charge.
In the whole building you can use free WLAN by eduroam. See also the university's information about Eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing).
For your literature search you may also use databases, e-journals, e-books, and e-newspapers. On site you have automatically access to these resources. Off-campus access functions via VPN client.
Introductions & Trainings
Courses for research and on information literacy are offered as part of WISSEN+ (mostly in German). For any help in English please consult our info desk or your contact person at the university.
Help Yourself: E-Tutorial
There is also a video tutorial in English - How to Conduct a Search in swisscovery Central Switzerland?
Tips for Research in your Field of Study
Tips for research in all university subjects as well as contacts to our subject librarians
Desire for Variety?
You have access to English fiction e-books via Overdrive / E-Books-Switzerland. Worldwide E-Magazines and E-Newspapers you get via PressReader. German speaking movies you can find on our streaming platform filmfriend.
Contact & Advice
We are there for you - at the information desk / by phone / by (e-)mail.
ZHB Luzern Location Uni/PH-Gebäude
Frohburgstrasse 3
CH 6002 Luzern
Lucerne site map
Library map
Info desk
+41 (0)41 349 76 00
info.upg @
Consult us if you need assistance with your literature search. You can also obtain subject-specific information from your subject librarians.
An overview of our services is also available by download.