Your Library in the University Building
Opening Hours
Regular opening hours
Monday - Friday Saturday | 7.30 - 21.30 7.45 - 15.30 |
Divergent opening hours
For updated information consult the website of the ZHB (especially for local holidays and summer openings).
Sunday opening
For students there are supplementary Sunday openings during the exam preparation period.
Summer closure
As a rule, the library is closed during the first two weeks of August. During this period our local holdings can then be ordered to our location at Sempacherstrasse.
Reduced summer opening hours
In July and the second half of August, we close as early as 18.30.
About Us & Holdings
The library covers the media holdings of the University of Lucerne, as well as those of the College of Teacher Education (PH Lucerne). It is managed by ZHB Lucerne. Approximately 300,000 freely accessible items (books and journals) are available in open stacks on 5,500 square meters. This collection is supplemented by stored media in the cooperative storage library and can be ordered from there free of charge.
The media holdings include the current state of research of all university disciplines, their central reference books, relevant works from research history as well as journals and selected daily newspapers.
You can search these holdings (and much more) via swisscovery RZS.
Learning spaces and Infrastructure
We offer 620 seats for learning and working. Via our Seat Navigator ("Uni/PH Gebäude") you can find out whether and how many free seats are available where in the libarary. There are also 4 group rooms and 6 chatpods which can be reserved at the information desk.
We provide four multifunction printers, two book scanners, and six mobile scanners. The CampusCard also serves as a rechargeable copy card. You can find more info about this offer on our website.
Is the library too crowded? Our site at ZHB Sempacherstrasse offers further possibilities for learning and working, WLAN infrastructure included.
We are there for you - at the information desk / by phone / by e-mail.
ZHB Luzern Location Uni/PH-Building
Frohburgstrasse 3
6002 Luzern
Site map
Information desk
+41 (0)41 349 76 00
info.upg @
Subject Areas
Tips for research in all university subjects as well as contacts to our subject librarians
There are 100 day lockers available on the first basement floor of the building. The deposit is CHF 1 and the lockers are to be emptied in the evening.
In addition, it is possible to rent a locker for the whole semester, or for a week only. To rent a key, please go to the University of Lucerne information desk on the ground floor.
Don't want to miss any news? Click here for our newsletter (in German) or visit us on Instagram.
Do you have any ideas?
Do you have any wishes, suggestions or ideas for the library? We look forward to receiving your message on the ideas wall. We will respond to your request and inform you about possible realisations.