Luzerner Zeitung: University of Lucerne creates fund for refugees 30th July 2021Kath.ch: Interview with Peter G Kirchschlaeger on his election to the Federal Ethics Committee 17th June 2021Blick.ch/Blick: Leoluca Orlando on his commitment to refugees 14th June 2021Recognition Award for Prof. Dr. Mira Burri 8th June 2021Ai Weiwei at the opening of the Lucerne Summer University LSUE 8th June 2021Ethical discourse beyond borders (updated) 8th June 2021SRF NEWS "10vor10": Adrienne Hochuli on the Covid certificate proposed by the Federal Council 20th May 2021Global ethical discourse at the University of Lucerne 21st September 2020Start of the call for the third "Lucerne Summer University" in Ethics under the patronage of UNESCO 19th December 2019"Lucerne Summer University" in the name of dialogue and cooperation 28th June 2019