Annual Report 2023: Focus on Human Sciences 18th June 2024Prof. Dr. Maria Rosa Antognazza (1964-2023) 28th March 2023«'Casino-Mentalität' in Banken führt zu Boni-Gier» 24th March 2023zentralplus: "This is why you should boycott the World Cup in Qatar" 17th November 2022Tagesspiegel: "There needs to be a UN supervisory agency for the metaverse" 17th October Noemi Honegger at the "Economy of Francesco" conference 11th October 2022TREND: "We need to test AI before we allow it" 13th September 2022DIE FURCHE: Guest article by Peter G. Kirchschlaeger 8th September 2022Pfarreiblatt Sursee: "Decent working conditions?" 31st August 2022BBC: Peter G. Kirchschlaeger on ethics and digital transformation 29th August 2022