Schneider, L. (2023, September). Staying Employable When Being Close(r) to Retirement: The Importance of Job Autonomy for the Use of Action Regulation Strategies. Kongress der Arbeits-, Organisations-, Wirtschafts- und Ingenieurspsychologie (AOW), Kassel, Germany.
Schneider, L. (2023, August). Staying Employable When Being Close(r) to Retirement: The Importance of Job Autonomy for the Use of Action Regulation Strategies. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
Meyer, D. (2023, Juni) Do Turnover Intentions Equal Withdrawal from Employee Creativity? The Moderating Effect of Career Orientations. EURAM Doctoral Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland.
Meyer, D. (2023, April) Exploring the Mediating Role of Social Capital: The Impact of Leader-Member Exchange on Career Sustainability. EIASM Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Prague, Czech Republic.
Schneider, L. (2022, September). Staying Employable When Being Close(r) to Retirement: The Importance of Job Autonomy for the Use of Action Regulation Strategies. Kongress der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Zürich.
Schneider, L. (2022, September). Staying Employable When Being Close(r) to Retirement: The Importance of Job Autonomy for the Use of Action Regulation Strategie, Konferenz der DGPS in Deutschland.
Meyer, D. (2022, Juni). Turnover Intention, Psychological Contract Breach, and Creativity. Doctoral Colloquium der EURAM, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Meyer, D. (2022, April). Do Turnover Intentions Equal Withdrawal? The Moderating Effect of Career Orientations. 37th EIASM Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Minho, Portugal.
Schneider, L. (2022, April). Staying Employable When Being Close(r) to Retirement: The Importance of Job Autonomy for the Use of Action Regulation Strategies. 37th EIASM Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Minho, Portugal.
Schärrer, L., & Rutishauser, L., (2020, October). Why young employees want to leave their organization? Comparing two cohorts using a psychological contract perspective. Paper presented at the 35th EIASM on Strategic Human Resource Management, Porto, Portugal (held online).
Pfrombeck, J., & Grote, G. (2019, September). Eine Studie zur Verteilung von Karriereorientierungen in Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien und der Schweiz. Paper presented at the 11th AOW Congress (Section Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology of the German Psychological Society), Braunschweig, Germany.
Arnold, A., Feierabend, A. & Tschopp, C. (2019, August). Effects of trust In employment relations on employees’ attitudes and intentions: A multiple-foci and dynamic trust approach, 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, USA.
Pfrombeck, J. (2019, August). How cultural and economic differences influence career orientations: A comparative study across France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, USA.
Pfrombeck, J., & Grote, G. (2019, June). How to design jobs in sustainable careers? The combined effects of task significance and job autonomy for employees in their late career. Paper presented at the 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Turin, Italy.
Pfrombeck, J., & Grote, G. (2019, May). Career orientations in macroeconomic context: A comparative study across France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Paper presented at the 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Italy.
Schärrer, L., Pfrombeck J., & Feierabend, A. (2019, May). The relationship between self-initiated expatriates and their employers. Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and HRM, Paris, France.
Pfrombeck, J., Doden, W., Grote, G., & Feierabend, A. (2018, September). Social exchange relationships as predictors of organizational cynicism. 51st Conference of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Frankfurt (a.M.), Germany.
Arnold, A., Fulmer, I. & Feierabend, A. (2017, August). Bridging the gap between pay communication and pay reactions: Pay information seeking behavior. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Atlanta, GA, USA.
Sender, A. & Feierabend, A. (2017, August). All that glitters is not gold: Job insecurity and the role of HR devolution. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta.
Sender, A., Morf, M., & Feierabend, A. (2017, August). If Leaving is not an option: The role of unemployment rates in the relationship between turnover intentions and organizational deviance. Referat, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta.
Feierabend, A. & Sender, A. (2017, May). Not all that glitters is gold: job insecurity and HR devolution. Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and HRM, Paris, France.
Arnold, A., Fulmer, I. & Feierabend, A. (2016, October). Brown Bag Series, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University, USA. Impact of pay secrecy on internal and external pay seeking behavior: A representative two-wave study of employees in Switzerland.
Doden W., Morf, M., Grote, G. & Staffelbach, B. (2016, August). How the labor market situation affects employees’ trust in organizations and themselves. 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim, California, USA.
Doden, W., Tschopp, C. & Grote, G. (2015, September). Der dynamische Zusammenhang zwischen subjektiver Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit und wahrgenommener Arbeitsmarktfähigkeit. 9th Fachgruppentagung AOW, Mainz, Germany.
Doden W., Tschopp, C. & Grote, G. (2015, August). The dynamic relationship between job insecurity and employability. 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Morf, M., Feierabend, A. & Staffelbach, B. (2015, July). Annual 15th European Academy of Management Conference, Warsaw, Poland: Unintended Effects of Removing Tasks: Linking Task Variety to Counterproductive Work Behavior.
Doden, W., Tschopp, C. & Grote, G. (2015, May). A two-way street: The dynamic relationship between job insecurity and employability. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Oslo, Norway.
Doden, W. & Grote, G. (2015, May). On the top of the world or down in the dumps – How career orientation affect turnover decisions and job satisfaction after a job change. 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Oslo, Norway.
Grote, G. (2015). Work individualization - Data from surveys in Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy. Symposium by the European Network of Organizational and Work Psychologists, Paris, March, 27, 2015.
Tschopp, C. Grote, G., & Köppel, N. (2015, May). How career orientation impacts older employees’ turnover intention in a dissatisfying job: An examination in three samples. 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Oslo, Norway.
Tschopp, C., Grote, G., & Köppel, N. (2015, April). Disentangling effects of age and career preferences on the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention and behavior: An examination in three samples. Paper to be presented at the 30th Annual SIOP Conference, Philadelphia, PA (USA).
Arnold, A. & Feierabend, A. (2014, November). Effects of trust in employment relations on employees’ attitudes and intentions: A multiple-foci and dynamic trust approach. 8th First International Network on Trust (FINT) Workshop, Coventry, UK.
Doden, W., & Grote, G. (2014, September). Tit-for-tat in employment relationships: The impact of career orientations on the link between social exchange relationships and organizational deviance. Paper presented at the 49th Congress of the German Society of Psychology, Bochum, Germany.
Doden, W., & Grote, G. (2014, March). Tit for tat in employment relations? How career orientations affect the link between social exchange relationships and organizational deviance. DGPs Fachgruppe AOW Psychologie - Nachwuchsworkshop, Staufen, March 2013.
Morf, M. & Feierabend, A. & Staffelbach, B. (2014, April). European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 29th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Corsica, France: Task variety and counterproductive work behaviour: The role of employee expectations (best paper award).
Staffelbach, B., Arnold, A. & Feierabend, A. (2014, März). Fehlerverhalten und Courage am Arbeitsplatz – analysiert anhand den Schweizer HR-Barometers. Tagung des Ausschusses «Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Ethik» im Verein für Socialpolitik. Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule St. Georgen, Frankfurt am Main.
Arnold, A. & Feierabend, A. (2013, November). Impact of changing levels of supervisory trust on changing levels of organizational trust: A cultural perspective. 7th First International Network on Trust (FINT) Workshop, Management University Singapore, Singapore.
Arnold, A. & Feierabend, A. (2013, November). Loss of trust and workplace deviance: Referent-specific, spillover and displaced effects. 7th First International Network on Trust (FINT) Workshop, Management University Singapore, Singapore.
Arnold, A. & Feierabend, A. (2013, August). Loss of trust and workplace deviance: Are the effects referent specific or displaced. Annual Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics (SBE), Walt Disney World ® Resort, Orlando, USA.
Arnold, A., & Feierabend, A. (2013, August). Loss of trust and workplace deviance: Referent-specific, spillover and displaced effects. Paper Development Workshop, Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA.
Arnold, A., Feierabend, A. & Staffelbach, B. (2013). Co-evolution of supervisory and organizational trust: A multiple-foci and dynamic trust approach. PhD Workshop “Meet Up Workshop: International Networking with Top Management Scholars”, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Bachman, B., Haut, M., Menzi, C. & Staffelbach, B. (2013). Job Insecurity and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Study among Swiss Employees. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Brun, S., Schmid, A., Schmidlin, R. & Staffelbach, B. (2013). Affective commitment and its relation with deviant workplace behavior. 10th Annual Irish Society of New Economists (ISNE) conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM), Dublin, Ireland.
Morf, M. & Feierabend, A. (2013). When employers fail to provide sufficient work stimulation.Workshop Understanding Employee Dishonesty Behaviors in the Workplace, Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France.
Morf, M. & Feierabend, A. (2013). Change in work stimulation and counterproductive work behavior: The moderating role of employees' expectations. PhD Workshop “Meet Up Workshop: International Networking with Top Management Scholars”, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Sender, A. & Staffelbach, B. (2013). Impact of uncertainty avoidance and performance orientation on the relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction. International Conference Sustainable Employability: Challenges for HRM Innovation, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Tschopp, C., Doden, W., & Grote, G. (2013, May). Age effects in the relationship between motivational work design characteristics and attitudinal outcomes. 16th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Munster, Germany.
Arnold, A. & Staffelbach, B. (2012). Psychological contract breach and organizational deviance: The mediating role of trust in the employer. Workshop of the scientific commission of business administration, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Arnold, A. Staffelbach, B. (2012). Insecurity after restructuring: Is it all about trust and employability. 27th EGOS Colloquium, School of Business, Economics & Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Tschopp, C., Grote, G. & Gerber, M. (2012). How career orientation shapes the job satisfaction-turnover intention link. 27th Annual SIOP Conference, San Diego, CA (USA).