Funding Opportunities and Grants
Doctoral students with an outstanding dissertation project can apply for mobility stays abroad of three to twelve months. The scholarship is paid out as a lump sum and is intended to contribute to living, travel and research costs. The amount of the lump sum will be announced prior to the call for applications.
Doctoral candidates in the final phase of their dissertation can apply for funding to complete their dissertation. This includes a salary for a six-month leave of absence from assistance, teaching, and administrative tasks.
There are two possible submission dates per year. The applications will be reviewed at the subsequent regular meetings of the Research Commission (FoKo). The application is submitted through the modul "Internal Funding" of the Research Information System (FIS).
February 24
September 22
March 27
October 23
UniLU Doc.Mobility (only in German)
valid since February 1, 2024
* For doctoral students with a position at UniLu: Please note that a research stay abroad results in a pause in your wage gains.
* For persons with a settlement, residence or cross-border commuter permit in Switzerland: A research stay abroad may affect your residence permit in Switzerland. Please inform yourself in time at the migration office.
The regulations for FS25 and an information sheet are currently being prepared. If you have any questions, please contact: