For the University of Lucerne a dense international network is of highest importance, thus we cooperate closely with the outposts of the Swiss Federation.

The swissnex Network
The swissnex network is an important means of implementing the confederation´s policy of developing bilateral cooperation ties with selected partner countries in the areas of education, research and innovation. Run by the State Secretariat for Education and Research, which is part of the Federal Department of Home Affairs, and backed by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the swissnex network develops partnership ties with universities, interest groups and private sponsors. The main objective of the network is to help Swiss universities and research institutions develop their own international activities by acting in a subsidiary capacity. The five swissnex sites and their satellites together with around twenty Science Counselors in Swiss embassies, help to promote Switzerland’s position as a global innovation hub. Swissnex offices can be found in: Boston, San Francisco, China (Shanghai), India (Bangalore), Brazil.
Town Twinnings: Lucerne – Potsdam
The town twinning between the city of Lucerne and the city of Potsdam has been formalised as Verein Städtepartnerschaft Luzern – Potsdam ("Association town twinning Lucerne – Potsdam"). The purpose of this association is defined as being an encouragement and deepening of social and economical relationships, also in matters of (higher) education.

Town Twinnings: Lucerne – Chicago
The Verein Städtepartnerschaft Luzern – Chicago (Luzern-Chicago Sister Cities Association) aims to promote relations between Lucerne and Chicago in the fields of culture, economics and education. Lucerne has its own studio-flat in Chicago's Wicker Park district which hosts 3 artists from the Canton of Lucerne each year, thus giving the artisits a platform in Chicago in which to further develop their creative skills in a wholly new environment and without financial pressure.