Symposium: Global Regulation for “Artificial Intelligence”

Reflection on Pope Francis' message for this year's World Day of Peace "Artificial Intelligence and Peace" together with representatives of the Church. In it, Pope Francis speaks out in favour of two approaches for which concrete proposals for action from Lucerne are available: human rights-based "AI" and the creation of an International Data-Based Systems Agency (IDA) at the UN to enforce regulation for "AI".

Date: 24 April 2024
Time: 18.15 h to 20.00 h
Location: University of Lucerne (Frohburgstrasse 3), 3.B58

In his message for this year's World Day of Peace, Pope Francis states “exciting opportunities and grave risks” in the field of “artificial intelligence” and digital transformation and calls on states and the international community to “adopt a binding international treaty that regulates the development and use of artificial intelligence in its many forms.”

World Day of Peace 2024: Pope Francis’ Message

According to Pope Francis, developments in the field of “artificial intelligence” should be human rights-based: “We need to be aware of the rapid transformations now taking place and to manage them in ways that safeguard fundamental human rights and respect the institutions and laws that promote integral human development. Artificial intelligence ought to serve our best human potential and our highest aspirations, not compete with them.”

In addition to human rights-based “AI”, Pope Francis is also calling for institutions to enforce the global regulation of “AI”: “There is a need to strengthen or, if necessary, to establish bodies charged with examining the ethical issues arising in this field and protecting the rights of those who employ forms of artificial intelligence or are affected by them.”

Pope Francis supports two concrete proposals for action from Lucerne: human rights-based “AI” and the creation of an International Data-Based Systems Agency (IDA) at the UN to enforce regulation for “AI”.

Busy World and AI Concept
Global Regulation for “Artificial Intelligence”

The Institute of Social Ethics ISE of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Lucerne invites you to a public symposium “Global Regulation for Artificial Intelligence” to reflect together on Pope Francis' message for this year's World Day of Peace, including

  • Bishop DDr. Felix Gmuer, President of the Swiss Bishop’s Conference and Bishop of Basel
  • Prof. Dr. Margit Wasmaier-Sailer, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Lucerne
  • Dr. Gabriele Maria Verga, Head of Research and Reflection Section, Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
  • Prof. Dr. Kutoma Wakunuma, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media, School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, UK and Zambia
  • Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Full Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE, Faculty of Theology, University of Lucerne

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 57th World Day of Peace
More information on the World Day of Peace 2024

In this regard, I urge the global community of nations to work together in order to adopt a binding international treaty that regulates the development and use of artificial intelligence in its many forms. The goal of regulation, naturally, should not only be the prevention of harmful practices but also the encouragement of best practices, by stimulating new and creative approaches and encouraging individual or group initiatives.
Pope Francis
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 57th World Day of Peace

Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger,
Full Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE, Faculty of Theology, University of Lucerne


Official Opening
Prof. Dr. Margit Wasmaier-Sailer,
Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Lucerne


Welcoming Address
Bishop DDr. Felix Gmuer, President of the Swiss Bishop’s Conference and Bishop of Basel


Keynote: The Pope’s Call for Global Governance of “Artificial Intelligence” (in English)
Dr. Gabriele Maria Verga, Head of Research and Reflection Section, Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development


Panel Discussion (in English)

Dr. Gabriele Maria Verga, Head of Research and Reflection Section, Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Prof. Dr. Kutoma Wakunuma, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media, School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, UK and Zambia

Chair: Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger


Closing Remarks
Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger

20.00hApéro Riche


The event is free of charge. The conference language is mostly German (please note the exceptions).
Registration is requested via online form or


International Data-Based Systems Agency IDA

Foto Peter Kirschlaeger
Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger

The two concrete proposal for action – the creation of an International Data-Based Systems Agency (IDA) at the UN and “sustainable and human rights-based data-based systems” (HRBDS) are the results of a multi-year research project (started at Yale University and completed at the University of Lucerne) by Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger (Professor of Ethics and Director of the Institute for Social Ethics ISE at the University of Lucerne and Visiting Professor at the ETH AI Center, ETH Zurich).

The International Data-Based Systems Agency IDA is to be established at the UN as a platform for technical cooperation in the field of digital transformation and data-based systems in order to promote human rights, security and the peaceful use of data-based systems, as well as to serve as a global supervisory institution and regulatory authority in the field of digital transformation and data-based systems.

Website of the International Data-Based Systems Agency IDA


University of Lucerne
Institute of Social Ethics ISE
Frohburgstrasse 3
P.O. Box
6002 Luzern
T +41 41 229 52 26