Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility – the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE
The next Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE under the patronage of UNESCO takes place from 23 - 28May, 2025.
The Application period is closed.
Who is responsible for climate protection? What can be done against global inequality and poverty? How can global justice be connected with local traditions, cultural diversity and religious values? How can human rights be ethically justified as universal norms? What ethical chances and risks arise from the digital transformation and the growing use of artificial intelligence?
"The Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE" under the patronage of the UNESCO enables young students to examine ethical questions of today and tomorrow – beyond the boundaries of academic fields, cultures and religion – and to search together for solutions in a global context.
This practical and action-oriented dialog is ideal to nurture a constantly expanding, international network of committed decision makers who exchange knowledge, advise each other and work together. The guiding principle of this endeavor is "Know how, act now".
The LSUE pursues the following goals for a sustainable impact:
- teaching specific methods and instruments used in ethics so that the participants learn how to deal with moral dilemmas and challenges (in their respective field of study)
- enabling participants to address moral questions and ethical topics in their working environment and to advise others
- establishing a global network for a worldwide networking of skills.
- enabling participants to address moral questions and ethical topics in their working environment and to advise others
- developing ethical skills as unique selling points for their careers (for example, in the field of corporate social responsibility)
Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility:
Globalization demands a global, interdisciplinary discourse on ethics and the networking of committed decision makers of today and the future. This is promoted by the LSUE in accordance with the guiding principle «Know how, act now» and through the implementation of the following measures:
- interactive teaching and learning methods
- active mentorship
- joint projects of ethical relevance
- annual conferences •
- regular online exchange events
Who can apply?
- MA students who have never participated in a previous LSUE
Do I have to study a specific subject?
- No, MA students from all disciplines can apply
What requirements must I meet?
- Good command of English: the entire LSUE is conducted in English.
- You will write a final paper (10-12 pages in length)
How do I apply?
Show us your interest in ethical questions of today and the future in a global context:
- Explain to us how you want to contribute to our global and interdisciplinary network
- Outline in the application form your plan on how to achieve a positive impact within your context or academic research through ethical skills and knowledge.
What documents do I have to submit?
- curriculum vitae (about one page/tabular form)
- recommendation letters from two professors (one page each)
- letter of motivation (about one page/max. 500 words)
Credit Points
- Students of the LSUE will be awarded 6 ECTS upon successful completion of the programme.
- Students from other institutions will be responsible for organising the transfer of credit points.
- No tuition fees
- The LSUE offers a full scholarship (travel, room and board)
Who will be admitted?
At the end of the application period, the complete applications will be reviewed by an international jury 20 people are selected and invited.
We are available for further questions at
Your contribution to building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility will consist of a project which addresses and ethical challenge in your own context. During the LSUE, you will acquire the necessary ethical know-how and skills
Working steps prior to the LSUE:
1. Identify an ethical challenge in your context
2. Characterize this ethical challenge
Working steps during and after the LSUE
3. Discuss ethical aspects and possible solution of your project in a final paper
4. Project planning and possible implementation of the project (NOT mandatory)
The Faculty is interdisciplinary and international. It is practice-oriented and brings together experts from international organizations, science and research, business, the arts, and interreligious and transcultural dialogue:
Following renowned speakers are joining the LSUE 2025.
- Prof. Ana Lisa Tota, Roma Tre Universität
- Prof. Dr. Mathias Risse, Harvard University
- Sima Samar, human rights activist
- Wendy Jordan, Angel Investor & Entrepreneur
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Scherer, Humboldt University
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Gremsl, University of Graz
Advisory Board of the LSUE
- Prof. Dr. Christine Abbt
Chair of Political Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria - Prof. Dr. Hille Haker
Richard McCormick Chair for Moral Theology, Loyola University Chicago; Member of the Management of the Institute for Social Ethics ISE of the University of Lucerne, Switzerland - Prof. Dr. em. Günter Virt
University of Vienna, former member of the «European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies» of the European Commission
- Miro Cerar, former Prime Minister of Slovenia
- Prof. Dr. Hans Joas, Humboldt-University Berlin
- Dragoș Tudorache, Member of the European Parliament
H. E. Prof. Dr. Bertrand Ramcharan, former High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations
- Ifeoma Malo, Chief Executive at Clean Technology Hub, former Country-Director for Power for All campaign in Nigeria and past Senior Policy Advisor on Energy Policies, Regulations and Partnerships to the Honourable Minister of Power in Nigeria
- Deborah Schibler, Director Peace Woman Across the Globe
- Morris und Lior Etter, Co-Founders and Directors WfW
- Senior staff from the UNESCO
- Dafna Feinholz, Chief of the Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology Section of UNESCO
- Jacqueline Bhabha, Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University
- Gwendolyn Burchell, Founder of Braille Teach (Horizon Next) and UAFA - United Aid For Azerbaijan's Director
- Dr. Eliane Dos Santos Cavalleiro, Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University
- Zohre Esmaeli, social entrepreneur, model, speaker, Berlin
- Christoph Inauen, Board Member Choba Choba Foundation, Switzerland
- Prof. Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Sweden
- Melissa Ortiz, Human Rights Officer, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, expert in the adaptation and mitigation of indigenous peoples to climate change
- Shams Asadi, Member of the Advisory Board of the Human Rights Cities Network
- Prof. Dr. Surya Deva, Professor at Macquarie Law School, University of Macquarie, Sydney; Vice-Chair of the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises
- Angela Melo, Director of Policies and Programmes in the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO and Maksim Karliuk, Programme Specialist from the Bioethics and Ethics of Science Section of UNESCO
- Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, Founder of LEAP (Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability, Professionalism) Africa and Sahel Consulting Agriculture and Nutrition Limited
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Pistor, Professor of Comparative Law at Columbia University
- Dr. Johnny Ryan, FRHistS (Fellow of the Royal Historical Society), Senior Fellow at the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, and a Senior Fellow at the Open Markets Institute
- Prof. Sonia Seneviratne, Professor for Land-Climate Dynamics at ETH Zurich, Lead Author of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C global warming (2017-2018) and Coordinating Lead Author of the 6th assessment report of the IPCC (2018-2021)
- Valeriia Voshchevska, Head of Digital at Amnesty International
- Dr. Ernst von Kimakowitz, Senior Research Fellow and Post-Doc
(Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics LGSE) at the Institute of Social Ethics ISE, University of Lucerne, Switzerland - Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Director of the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE; Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE and Full Professor of Theological Ethics, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Ai Weiwei, Artist
- Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC
- Prof. Gunoo Kim, Professor of Law, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Leoluca Orlando, Mayor of Palermo, Italy
- Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke, President of the European Research Society for Ethics Societas Ethica; Professor of Anthropology and Ethics for Health Professions, Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany
- Precious Oghale Diagboya, LSUE Alumna 2018 and PhD candidate at the Department of Philosophy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
- Mona Mijthab, Founder of MOSAN; Lecturer for Strategic Design, ZHAW, Switzerland
Akaliza Keza Ntwari, Entrepreneur from Rwanda in the field of technology; one of the founders of "Girls in ICT Rwanda"; member of the UN High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation
Katiúscia Ribeiro, Researcher and university lecturer of African Philosophy and Ethics, Women's Thoughts and Community Relations, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Director of the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE; Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE and Full Professor of Theological Ethics, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Christine Abbt, Chair for Political Philosophy, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Alessio Allegrini, Conductor, Hornist and Founder of Musicians for Human Rights
- Nnimmo Bassey, Environmental activist; Winner of the Right Livelihood Award
- Prof. Dr. Boudewijn de Bruin, Professor of Financial Ethics, University of Groningen, Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Martina Caroni, Vice Rector and Tenured professor of International, Constitutional and Comparative Law, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Thomas Coombes, Head of Brand & Deputy Director, Communications, Amnesty International
- Julian Fifer, Artist Manager and Producer of Musicians for Human Rights
- Prof. Dr. Charles Foster, Professor of Law, University of Oxford, UK
- Prof. Dr. Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hemel, Director of the “Weltethos” Institute, University of Tuebingen; Professor of Religious Education Theory, University of Regensburg, Germany
- Cilia Kanellopoulos, Head of Social Innovation of the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications & Katherine Prescott, Co-Founder of Free-D
- Dr. Stephan Rothlin SJ, Director of the Macau Ricci Institute; Founder & CEO of Rothlin International CSR Management Consulting, Beijing & Hong Kong
- Prof. Dr. Robert Vorholt, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Ani Zonneveld, Founder and President of Muslims for Progressive Values; founding member of Alliance of Inclusive Muslims
- Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Director of the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE; Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE and Full Professor of Theological Ethics, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Rabbi Jehoschua Ahrens, Co-Initiator of the Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity; SNSF PhD student, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Rana Alsoufi, Assistant professor for Islamic Theology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Jakob Brossmann, Director of the multi-award-winning film “Lampedusa in Winter”
- Samia Haimoura, Founder and CEO of SEON
- Prof. Dr. Jennifer Herdt, Gilbert L. Stark Professor of Christian Ethics; Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Yale University Divinity School, USA
- Cilia Kanellopoulos, Head of Social Innvoation of the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications
- Prof. Dr. Adrian Loretan, Chair of Canon Law and Law-and-Religion; Co-Director of the Center of Comparative Constitutional Law and Religion, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Jan Miotti, Head Communications and Projects & Joel Dickenmann, Co-Director of Water for Water WfW
- Stephan Mueller, Manager of the Faculty of Theology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Fatima Mukaddam, Ph.D. Candidate at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Nowak, Former UN-Special Rapporteur on Torture; Founder of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights; Professor of International Law and Human Rights, University of Vienna, Austria
- Prof. Dr. Laura Palazzani, Member of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee; Member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies of the EU Commission; Professor of Philosophy of Law and Biolaw, Lumsa University in Rome, Italy
- Rob van Riet, Director of the Climate Energy Program at the World Future Council, London, UK; former Coordinator of the WFC's Disarmament Program
- Stefania Schenk Vitale, Assistant Director and Translator of the multi-award-winning film “Lampedusa in Winter”
- Prof. Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres on the objectives of sustainable development; Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network; Economist and director of the Earth Institute, Columbia University, USA
- Martina Tollkühn, scientific Assistant at the Chair of Canon Law and State-Church Law, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Florian Wettstein, Vice-President of the International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE); Editor-in-Chief of the Business and Human Rights Journal (BHRJ); director of the Institute of Business Ethics at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Director of the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE; Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE and Full Professor of Theological Ethics, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. theol. lic. phil. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger
Director of the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE under the patronage of UNESCO; Professor of Theological Ethics; Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE
More information about Prof. Dr. theol. lic. phil. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger
Andrea Murer
Coordinator of the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE under the patronage of UNESCO • T +41 41 229 52 25 • lsue @