International Network for Law and Economics – lucernaforum
The International Network for Law and Economics - lucernaforum is a networking forum to facilitate the world wider recognition of research in the field of law and economics conducted at the University of Lucerne. A central component of the lucernaforum are the annual Law and Economics Conferences, established in 2012, which focus on topical research issues. These conferences allow researchers from all over the world to present their research papers and enables the academic exchange. The respective conference proceedings appear in the scientific series „Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship“.
The four Research Hubs „BRAVE“, „DEPART“, „BIG“ and „TECHIES“ connect and encourage research, based on an interdisciplinary approach on Law and Economics. By focussing on current fields of application lucernaforum enables access to practice and promotes further exchange of scientific insight.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Mathis
Full Professor of Public Law, Law of the Sustainable Economy, and Philosophy of Law
T +41 41 229 53 80 • Room 4.B09 • klaus.mathis @
Elias Flavio Aliverti, MLaw
Academic Assistant
T +41 41 229 53 98 • Room 4.A58 • elias.aliverti @
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Alexander Gian-Carlo Baumann, M.A. HSG in Law & Economics, CEMS MIM Master in International Management
Academic Assistant
T +41 41 229 53 99 • Room 4.A58 • alexander.baumann @
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Philipp Anton Burri, MLaw, BA, RA
PhD Student SNSF (Doc.CH)
T +41 41 229 53 32 • Raum 4.A58 • philipp.burri @
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Daniel Gmür, MLaw, RA
Academic Assistant
T +41 41 229 53 56 • Room 4.A58 • daniel.gmuer @
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Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Avishalom Tor
Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame Law School
Director, Research Program on Law and Market Behavior (ND LAMB)
Global Professor of Law, University of Haifa Faculty of Law

Prof. Dr. Omri Ben-Shahar
Leo and Eileen Herzel Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School
Kearney Director of the Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics
Prof. Dr. Anne-Lise Sibony
Professor of Law, UCLouvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium)
Institut pour la recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences juridiques (JURI)

Prof. Dr. Regis Lanneau
Professor of Law, Université Paris Nanterre
Co-directeur de la licence Droit parcours économie et de la double licence droit et économie
Co-directeur du master droit de l'économie membre du CRDP membre de FIDES
The annual Law and Economics Conferences create a platform of scientific exchange in the field of economic analysis of law. They are held in coordination and cooperation with Notre Dame University. Respective conference proceedings appear in the scientific series «Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship», published by Springer.
The Lucerne Graduate Academy for Law and Economics is an annual intensive one-week programme designed to introduce legal scholars and economists to the principles and current trends in the field of law and economics. The Graduate Academy will be conducted in collaboration with the Notre Dame Law School Research Program on Law and Market Behavior (ND LAMB) and primarily consist of three parts: two main courses, three special lectures, and research colloquia.
The main courses will provide in-depth knowledge on selected law and economics fields by renowned professors. In the spirit of the Graduate Academy’s interdisciplinary approach, lecturers will not be limited to legal scholars, but will also include economists discussing their research and its application to legal scholarship.