Dr. Daniel Allemann
Senior Teaching and Research Fellow (Oberassistent)
Medieval and Renaissance History
T +41 41 229 55 42
Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 3.A13
Daniel Allemann is a historian of the late medieval and early modern periods in a global context.
He studied History and Anglophone Literature & Linguistics at the University of Basel. He then spent several years at the University of Cambridge, where he completed an MPhil Political Thought and Intellectual History and a PhD. During his doctorate, he was a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt. His doctoral thesis (2020) was awarded the prize for best dissertation in the Faculty of History at Cambridge.
In Lucerne he is working on several projects. In the summer of 2024 he completed his first monograph on slavery, power and rights in the early modern Iberian world, which will be published by an Anglophone university press. His current research project (Habilitation) examines how ideas of human diversity and alterity were negotiated in the region north of the Alps between the 13th and 15th centuries. He is also researching the history of indigenous political ideas from the colonial Andes and their reception in Enlightenment Europe.
Daniel is committed to communicating historical knowledge to a wide audience. At Cambridge, he co-founded Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast. Last year, he co-authored a monthly column for the Swiss weekly SonntagsBlick, in which he and Britta-Marie Schenk presented unexpected historical perspectives on current events. Daniel was also a member of the editorial board of traverse: Zeitschrift für Geschichte – Revue d’histoire, which promotes the exchange of ideas between researchers in German- and French-speaking Switzerland.
Research Areas
- Late medieval and early modern global history
- History of political thought
- History of slavery
- Information transfer between the Arabic and the Latin world
- History of the Iberian empires
- History of international law
- History of Switzerland
Research Projects
Current Projects
In the summer of 2024, Daniel completed his first monograph, Empires of Slavery, based on his doctoral research. The book is a study of Spanish and Portuguese theologians, jurists, and missionaries who advised kings and agents of empire on the complex moral issues surrounding slavery. It presents a new history of the relationship between individual rights and political power in the formative era of Atlantic slavery. In doing so, the study combines the history of political thought with the history of slavery in a novel way.
Daniel’s second book project (Habilitation) examines how ideas of human diversity and alterity were negotiated in the region north of the Alps between the 13th and 15th centuries. In contrast to the Mediterranean region, few people of African or Asian origin, or of Muslim or Jewish faith, lived in what is now Switzerland and the neighboring French and German regions in the late Middle Ages. However, a strong interest in a wide range of real and imagined ‘others’ – from ‘Ethiopians’ and ‘Saracens’ to Roma and Sinti – can be observed in mirrors for princes, physiognomic treatises, and travel writings of the time. The project explores how these meditations produced powerful political categories of human difference in the period before European colonial ventures overseas.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Sklaverei, Heirat und ‚Menschenrechte‘ in der iberischen Welt des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts’. Historische Zeitschrift 317, no. 2 (2023): 311–41. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10014648.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Teuflische Urmutter, tierische Eroberer? Die Rolle der Inkas in Guaman Pomas Geschichte der Anden’. L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 34, no. 2 (2023): 15–32. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10405456.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Die Wiederkunft der Information’. Merkur. Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken 75, no. 870 (2021): 68–73. doi:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5734927.
- Allemann, D. S. ‘Empire and the Right to Preach the Gospel in the School of Salamanca, 1535-1560’. The Historical Journal 62, no. 1 (2019): 33–55. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/282777.
- Allemann, D. S., Anton Jäger, and Valentina Mann. ‘Introduction: Approaching Space in Intellectual History’. Global Intellectual History 3, no. 2 (2018): 127–36. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/277501.
- Allemann, Daniel, Jäger, Anton, and Mann, Valentina, eds. Conceptions of Space in Intellectual History. London: Routledge, 2020. https://www.routledge.com/Conceptions-of-Space-in-Intellectual-History-1st-Edition/Allemann-Jager-Mann/p/book/9780367405496.
- Allemann, Daniel, Jäger, Anton, and Mann, Valentina, eds. Conceptions of Space in Intellectual History. special issue of Global Intellectual History Vol. 3.2, 2018. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rgih20/3/2.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Ich mach mir die Welt, wie sie mir gefällt - eine Geschichte der Philanthropie’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 25 November 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-ich-mach-mir-die-welt-wie-sie-mir-gefaellt-eine-geschichte-der-philanthropie-id19176844.html.
- Allemann, Daniel, and Britta-Marie Schenk. ‘Das Krankenkassen-Paradox’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 29 October 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-das-krankenkassen-paradox-id19084258.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Zirkusgeschichten’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 30 September 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-der-zirkus-war-stets-ein-abbild-der-gesellschaft-id18993109.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘A Diamond is Forever’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 3 September 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-die-wahre-geschichte-der-diamanten-id18899828.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Ungerechte Geschenke’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 10 July 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-ungerechte-geschenke-id18732506.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Drogenwelten’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 11 June 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-welche-droge-wann-und-wieso-in-war-id18653031.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Lifestyle oder Prekariat? Eine Geschichte der Teilzeitarbeit’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 14 May 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-lifestyle-oder-prekariat-eine-geschichte-der-teilzeitarbeit-id18570114.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Von Wöschwybern und Gossip Girls’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 16 April 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-von-woeschwybern-und-gossip-girls-id18484581.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Ware Wohnung - der Staat muss ran!’ SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 19 March 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-ware-wohnung-der-staat-muss-ran-id18408118.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Mein Bauch gehört mir?’ SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 19 February 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-mein-bauch-gehoert-mir-id18327558.html.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. ‘Geben oder nichts geben? Zur Geschichte des Bettelns’. SonntagsBlick-Magazin, 22 January 2023. https://www.blick.ch/meinung/kolumnen/geschichte-jetzt-geben-oder-nichts-geben-zur-geschichte-des-bettelns-id18245632.html.
- Allemann, Daniel, and Britta-Marie Schenk. ‘Die Geschichte der Autoposer’. SonntagsBlick Magazin, 21 November 2021. https://www.blick.ch/schweiz/es-gibt-sie-schon-laenger-als-wir-glauben-die-geschichte-der-autoposer-id17000067.html.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Der heilige Mohr: Essay. Die Geschichte eines Wortes’. SonntagsBlick Magazin, 21 June 2020. https://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/die-geschichte-eines-wortes-was-hat-es-mit-dem-wort-mohr-eigentlich-auf-sich-id15946664.html.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Rezension zu: Lingna Nafafé, José: Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic Abolitionist Movement in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge 2022.’ Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 51, no. 2 (2024): 381–82. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14505972.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Mauro José Caraccioli, Writing the New World The Politics of Natural History in the Early Spanish Empire’. Edited by Gillabert, Matthieu, Rathmann-Lutz, Anja, and Schürch, Isabelle. traverse: Zeitschrift für Geschichte / Revue d’histoire, no. 2 (2022): 181–83. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10561342.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘The School of Salamanca under Scrutiny’. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 29 (13 January 2022): 312–14. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5776253.
- Allemann, Daniel S. ‘Re-Reading Vitoria’. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History, no. 27 (2 January 2020): 338–40. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3560017.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Review of Brian P. Owensby und Richard J. Ross (eds), Justice in a New World’. Journal of the History of International Law 21, no. 4 (2019): 595–99. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3581166.
- Allemann, Daniel S. ‘Eine Genealogie spanischen Rechtsdenkens’. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 27 (2019): 308–10. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3560015.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Revisiting the Early History of International Law’. History of European Ideas 44, no. 1 (2018): 143–46. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/280432.
- Allemann, Daniel. ‘Intellectual Histories of Empire’. H-Soz-Kult, 2016. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3600453.
- Allemann, Daniel, Elke Brüns, Norbert Lang, and Britta-Marie Schenk. Hast du mal nen’ Euro? Zur Kulturgeschichte des Bettelns. SWR2 Forum, 27 March 2023. https://www.ardaudiothek.de/episode/forum/hast-du-mal-nen-euro-zur-kulturgeschichte-des-bettelns/swr-kultur/12523669/.
- Schenk, Britta-Marie, and Daniel Allemann. Geschichte an der Uni Luzern, 2021. https://www.unilu.ch/studium/studienangebot/bachelor/kultur-und-sozialwissenschaftliche-fakultaet/geschichte/.
- Allemann, D. S., Alicia Mavor, and Anna Becker. Gender and Political Thought – episode of ‘Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast’, 2019. https://anchor.fm/theihpodcast/episodes/Gender-and-Political-Thought-Dr-Anna-Becker-e3mr32.
- Allemann, D. S., Charlotte Johann, and Annabel S. Brett. Politics, Language, and Nature – episode of ‘Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast’, 2018. https://anchor.fm/theihpodcast/episodes/Politics--Language--and-Nature-Dr-Annabel-Brett-e2g2lc.
- Allemann, D. S., Eloise Davies, and Valentina Arena. Rome, Liberty, and Rhetoric – episode of ‘Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast’, 2018. https://anchor.fm/theihpodcast/episodes/Rome--Liberty--and-Rhetoric-Dr-Valentina-Arena-e2g2li.
- Allemann, D. S., Hester van Hensbergen, and Banu Turnaoğlu. Turkish Republicanism – episode of ‘Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast’, 2018. https://anchor.fm/theihpodcast/episodes/Turkish-Republicanism-Dr-Banu-Turnaolu-e2g2l0.
- Allemann, D. S., Anton Jäger, and Sophie Smith. History and Theories of Politics – episode of ‘Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast’, 2017. https://anchor.fm/theihpodcast/episodes/History-and-Theories-of-Politics-Prof--Sophie-Smith-e2g2k3.
- Allemann, D. S., Charlotte Johann, and Duncan Bell. Liberalism, Empire, and Utopianism – episode of ‘Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast’, 2017. https://anchor.fm/theihpodcast/episodes/Liberalism--Empire--and-Utopianism-Dr-Duncan-Bell-e2g2ki.
- Allemann, D. S. Power, Republicanism, and Scholasticism – episode of ‘Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast’, 2017. https://anchor.fm/theihpodcast/episodes/Power--Republicanism--and-Scholastic-Thought-Dr-Ben-Slingo-e2g2kp.
- Jean-Frédéric Schaub on the History of Race and Racism: Round Table with Statements by Thomas Ertl, Karl Ubl and Daniel Allemann. (Panel) contribution, Moments of Exclusion in The Middle Ages, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl und Dr. Milan Pajic (Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin), Berlin, 2023
- Adam und Eva in den Anden: Guaman Pomas Geschichte der Menschheit. (Panel) contribution, 6. Schweizerische Geschichtstage, Université de Genève, Genf, 2022
- Distance Learning – Lektionen aus der Pandemie. Podiumsdiskussion, infoclio.ch-Tagung 2021: Out of Office. Mobiles Arbeiten und Geschichtswissenschaften, infoclio.ch, Bern, 2021
- Speaking of Slavery in the Early Modern Iberian World. Lecture, Doktorierenden-Retraite des Historischen Seminars Luzern, Historisches Seminar Luzern, Luzern, 2021
- A Composite Commonwealth: Andean Mining and the Spanish Empire in America. (Panel) contribution, Annual Conference of the Renaissance Society of America, Renaissance Society of America, Virtuell, 2021
- Moriscos rebeldes y Mapuches refractarios: Justificaciones de la esclavitud de Molina a Avendaño. (Panel) contribution, XX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, Huelva, 2019
- Punishment, Household Power, and the Body of the Slave. (Panel) contribution, The Body and Politics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 2019
- Slavery, Marriage, and “Human Rights” in Early Modern Spanish Scholastic Thought. (Panel) contribution, Histories of Human Rights, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, 2018
- Natural Slavery Revisited: Spanish Scholastic Justifications of Forced Native Labor in Colonial Peru. Lecture, The Changing Frontiers of Political History, Sciences Po Paris, Paris, 2017
- Slavery in the Fractured State of Castile: Luis de Molina on the Morisco Rebellion in Granada. (Panel) contribution, Fractured States in the History of Political Thought, University College London, London, 2017
- Postkoloniale Ideengeschichte: Die Theologen der Spanischen Spätscholastik als imperiale Akteure. (Panel) contribution, Jahrestatung der Basel Graduate School of History, Universität Basel, Basel, 2016
- Imperium and Empire. Roman Justice in the Early Modern World. The Society of Humankind. Roman Justice from Antiquity to the Enlightenment, New York City, 2025
- Slavery and the School of Salamanca. Salamanca Colloquium, Frankfurt am Main, 2025
- Spätmittelalterlicher Rassismus ? Reale und imaginäre "Türken" im Europa nördlich der Alpen. Kolloquium zur Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, Bern, 2024
- Slavery and Body Politics. Rethinking the Boundaries of the Early Modern State. Body politic(s). The Body in Early Modern Political Thought, Aarhus, 2024
- Slavery, Rights, and Power in the Early Modern Atlantic World. Tidigmoderna seminariet, Stockholm, 2024
- Luis de Molina (1535-1600) on Atlantic Slavery. Political Thought and Intellectual History Seminar, Cambridge, 2023
- Vom Kalifat ins Kaiserreich: Informationstransfer im Spätmittelalter. Ringvorlesung: Integrierte Kulturwissenschaften, Luzern, 2022
- Iberian Visions of Slavery in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Early Modern Politics and Religion Workshop, University of Oxford, 2022
- Slavery and Empire in Early Modern Iberian Thought. Legal Histories beyond the State, Cambridge, 2021
- "Race-as-Religion" im christlichen Europa, 1250-1500. Ringvorlesung: "Rassismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart", Berlin, 2021
- Sklaverei, Herrschaft und "race" in der iberischen Welt im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Forschungskolloquium Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, Tübingen, 2021
- Kommentar zu Francisco Cuena Boy: 'El infierno y las buenas intenciones. Derecho de gentes y esclavitud (siglos XVI y XVII).’. Salamanca-Kolloquium, Frankfurt am Main, 2021
- Wohin mit der Ideengeschichte? Kolloquium: Wohin mit der Geschichte? Neue Ansätze in der Geschichtsschreibung, Zürich, 2019
- Slavery, Power, and Human Rights in Spanish Scholastic Thought. Early Career Seminar in the History of Political Ideas, London, 2018