Dr. Anastasia Sapegina
Associate Director of the Center for HRM, Senior Research Associate
T +41 41 229 58 65
anastasia.sapegina @ unilu.ch
Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 3.A15
Anastasia Sapegina is the Associate Director of the Center for Human Resource Management and Senior Research Associate at the University of Lucerne. She obtained her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the University of Konstanz, Germany, and her Ph.D. in Strategy and Management from the University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland. Anastasia Sapegina's research interests encompass topics at the intersection of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior. Her research and teaching focus on Strategic and Positive Human Research Management, Distrust and Postheroic Leadership. She has acquired and led several research projects.
Anastasia Sapegina's research focuses on topics at the intersection of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior. Within HRM and Organizational Behavior research, she is particularly interested in the "dark side" phenomena and their consequences in organizations, such as competitive HR Systems, Envy, Distrust and Knowledge Hiding. She received her Ph.D. from the University of St.Gallen (HSG) with the Ph.D. thesis entitled "Competitive Human Resource Practices: Development of a Novel Concept and Measure."
Anastasia Sapegina has led multiple scientific projects from SNF and other third-party financed projects. She values an open-minded approach to research design and methods, employing various forms and mixtures of qualitative and quantitative research designs, data collection, and analysis techniques. She applies a variety of quantitative (e.g., SEM, PLS) and qualitative methods (e.g., Grounded Theory, Gioia). Anastasia Sapegina has extensive expertise in questionnaire design and psychometric scale development and validation.
- Weibel, A., & Sapegina, A. (2019). Leistungsvariable Vergütung-Ein Instrument auf dem Prüfstand: Controlling: Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung. Controlling: Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 2, 4–10.
- Sapegina, A., & Weibel, A. (2017). The good, the not so bad, and the ugly of competitive human resource practices: a multidisciplinary conceptual framework: Group & Organization Management. Group & Organization Management, 42 (5), 707–747.
- Sapegina, A. (2024). Responsible Leadership und «responsible HRM». Verschiedene Rollen und geteilte Führungsverantwortung. PersonalSCHWEIZ, (6), 40–41.
- Jacob, N., & Sapegina, A. (2024). Die dunkle Seite des Talentmanagements. personalSCHWEIZ, (10), 28–30.
- Sapegina, A. (2023). Das Paradox der paradoxen Führung: Widersprüche und Spannungen erkennen und adressieren. personalSCHWEIZ, 4, 34–36.
- Sapegina, A. (2023). Mit agilen Tools zu mehr Teamleistung? HR Today, 2.
- Change in compensation system and team learning behavior ‐a real‐setting longitudinal intervention study. Discussion contribution, Personnel Psychology Paper Development Workshop, Personnel Psychology (Journal), King’s College London, 2024
- The jungle of talent journey: complexity and change in employee perceptions of being recognized as talents. Lecture, The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management, Chicago, 2024
- Zukunft der Arbeit: Wie führen wir heute und in der Zukunft? Presentation, Schnuppervorlesung, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2024
- Mit Personalpraktiken internen Wettbewerb fördern? Entwicklung eines neuen Konzeptes und eines Messinstrumentes für 'kompetitive HR-Praktiken'. Presentation, Netzwerkabend des CEHRM, Zentrum für Human Ressource Management (CEHRM), Luzern, 2023
- New Leadership Models – Leadership im Kontext AI. Presentation, International HRM Network Meeting, International HRM Group, Lucerne, 2023
- AOM HR Division Best Reviewer Award, HR Division of the 83 Annual Academy of Management Conference, Boston, 2023
- Best Conceptual Article Award, Zeitschrift für Erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 2019
- Doc.Mobility Research Fellowship, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2017
- Best Conceptual Article and Outstanding Article Award, Group & Organization Management Journal, 2017
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division, 2015
- Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2023
- Group & Organization Management Journal (GOM), 2023
- Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
- Academy of Management Annual Conference, OB Division, 2023
- Academy of Management Annual Conference, HR Division, 2023
- European Academy of Management Conference, 2023
- Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2022
- Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
- Human Resource Management Journal, 2021
- German Journal of Human Resource Management, 2020
- Psychological Reports, 2020
- Early Career Academic Network (ECA), Member, United Kingdom, 2023–
- European Academy of Management, Member, Belgium, 2022–
- European Group of Organizational Studies, Member, United Kingdom, 2022–
- Swiss Positive Psychology Association, Member, Switzerland, 2020–
- Academy of Management, Member, United States, 2015–
- British Academy of Management, Member, United Kingdom, 2022–2023