Master in Health Sciences

The Master’s program in Health Sciences at the University of Lucerne offers students from a wide range of disciplines the necessary knowledge and skills towards a comprehensive understanding of health, functioning, and disability. The program provides a broad background in health sciences from an interdisciplinary perspective. It focuses on describing, understanding, and improving the health of individuals, and the optimal response of society and health systems to the health needs of the population.

The two-year Master’s program with 120 credits includes core courses in the principles of health sciences, advanced research methods, and academic and professional skills. Students choose one of the following majors to get more in-depth knowledge depending on their professional interests and career direction:

  • Health Communication
  • Health and Social Behavior
  • Health Economics and Policy
  • Health Services Research
  • Health Data Science

During a mandatory research internship, students can apply the knowledge gained in the program, and possibly write their Master’s thesis based on the internship.


Coming from a background in the life sciences, I was interested in how society may impact our health and vice versa. The health sciences program gave me the foundational knowledge I was seeking on the individual, population and systems level, as well as the skills to evaluate, analyse and communicate effectively within the realm of the health sciences.
Clara MacNaughton ¦ Graduate 2021 ¦ Major in Health Services Research
PhD Candidate Swiss Paraplegic-Research