Prof. Dr. iur. Julia Hänni


Between 2016 and 2019, Julia Hänni was Assistant Professor of Public Law, European Law and Philosophy of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne. From 2012 until 2016, she was a member of the 2nd Public Law Department of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court (Schweizerisches Bundesgericht) in Lausanne (personal assistant to the federal judges Dr. Andreas Zünd, Dr. Lorenz Kneubühler and Stephan Haag). In this position, she wrote reports concerning Federal Court decisions on freedom of religion and conscience (Art. 15 of the Federal Constitution, Art. 9 of the ECHR), inter alia. Prof. Dr. iur. Julia Hänni received her PhD with a thesis on philosophy of law that has won several awards. She was a Global Justice Fellow at Yale University in 2013, has authored various scientific publications, both on constitutional law and on the cultural foundations of law, and has lectured on a variety of subjects, including comparative philosophy of religion at a Hindu university in Indonesia, in the local language. In June 2019 she was appointed as Federal Judge at the 2nd Public Law Department of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court (Schweizerisches Bundesgericht) in Lausanne, taking up office in August 2019.

Latest publication: "Religionsfreiheit im säkularen Staat. Aktuelle Auslegungsfragen in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und weltweit“ (together with Adrian Loretan and Sebastian Heselhaus), Zürich - Baden-Baden 2019.