Dr. iur. Zaïra Zihlmann
Senior Academic Assistant
T+41 41 229 53 57
Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Lucerne, Room 4.A30
Zaïra Zihlmann graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Lucerne at the end of 2018 (summa cum laude). Since July 2018 she works at Prof. Dr. iur. Mira Burri's chair, initially as a student assistant and since March 2019 as a research assistant.
Zaïra was furthermore a research fellow of Prof. Dr. iur. Malte-C. Gruber Gruber (Justus-Liebig-University Gießen) from February to December 2023 working within the third-party funded project «Datenzugangsregeln» of the Centre Responsible Digitality (ZEVEDI).
In January 2025, Zaïra defended her doctoral thesis (summa cum laude) on the topic: «Von der individuellen zur partizipativen Datenkontrolle - Die Notwendigkeit eines interdependenzsensiblen europäischen Datenschutzrechts».
Since February 2025, Zaïra is a senior academic assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. iur. Mira Burri.
Zaïra's research interests focus on the regulation of new technologies, particularly in the areas of data protection law, genetic engineering law, and intellectual property law.
- Brieske Jasmin/Müller Benjamin/Pfeiffer Lars/Zihlmann Zaira, Zeitenwende beim Datenzugang? Struktur, Inhalte und Abstimmungsbedarf der aktuellen Regelungsvorschläge, in: ZD-Aktuell 2024
- Burri Mira/Zihlmann Zaira, The EU Cyber Resilience Act: An Appraisal and Contextualization, in: Zeitschrift für Europarecht (EuZ) 25/2/2023, pp. 1–45, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11066043
- Burri Mira/Zihlmann Zaïra, Intermediaries’ Liability in Light of the Recent EU Copyright Reform, in: Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law 11/2021, pp. 35–75, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3748328
- Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia/Mayer Simon/Zihlmann Zaira, Not Hardcoding but Softcoding Data Protection, in: Technology and Regulation 2021, pp. 17–34, https://doi.org/10.26116/techreg
- Zihlmann Zaïra, Gegenwärtige und zukünftige Regulierung von Genome Editing in der Pflanzenzüchtung, in: Sicherheit&Recht 3/2019, pp. 153–168
- Spirig Eliane/Zihlmann Zaira, Critical Legal Tech an der Universität Luzern, in: cognitio 2/2019
- Zihlmann Zaira/Garcia Kimberly/Mayer Simon/Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia, A right to repair privacy-invasive services: Is a new, more holistic European approach emerging?, in: Čartolovni, Anto/Fedosov, Anton/Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard/Lutz, Christoph/Tamò-Larrieux, Aurelia (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2022 GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society, Zagreb 2022, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6813377
- Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia/Zihlmann Zaira/Garcia Kimberly/Mayer Simon, The Right to Customization: Conceptualizing the Right to Repair for Informational Privacy, in: Gruschka, Nils/Las Antunes, Luís Filipe/Rannenberg, Kai/Drogkaris, Prokopios (Eds.), Privacy Technologies and Policy, 9th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2021, Oslo, Norway, June 17–18, 2021, Proceedings, Cham 2021, pp. 3–22
- García Kimberly/Zihlmann Zaira/Mayer Simon/Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia/Hooss Johannes, Towards Privacy-Friendly Smart Products, in: PST (Ed.), 18th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, New York 2021, pp. 1–7
- Zihlmann Zaïra, The Proposed EU Cyber Resilience Act from a Digital Sovereignty Perspective, 2023, https://www.sectorplandls.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Brussels-Cybersecurity-Conference-Paper-Sessions.pdf
- Guitton Clement/Tamò-Larrieux Aurelia/Mayer Simon/Fosch-Villaronga Eduard/Kamara Irene/Van Landuyt Dimitri/Langheinrich Marc/Pałka Przemysław/Zihlmann Zaira, A Framework to Determine How and Whether to Implement Automatically Processable Regulation, 2022, https://ssrn.com/abstract=4226090
- The EU Cyber Resilience Act from a Digital Sovereignty Perspective – A ‘Brussels Effect’ of the CRA? Lecture, Cybersecurity Conference, Digital Legal Lab, Brüssel, 2023
- The Right to Customization: Conceptualizing the Right to Repair for Informational Privacy. Lecture, Privacy Research Day, CNIL, Paris, 2022
- Towards Privacy-Friendly Smart Products. Lecture, 18th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, PST, online, 2021
- The Right to Customization: Conceptualizing the Right to Repair for Informational Privacy. Lecture, Annual Privacy Forum 2021, ENISA, DG CONNECT, University of Oslo, online, 2021
- Governing European Values inside Data Flows. Lecture, Governing European Values inside Data Flows, University of Amsterdam and University of Lucerne, online, 2021
- Not Hardcoding but Softcoding Data Protection Principles. Lecture, Digital Legal Talks, Digital Legal Lab, online, 2020
- Go Privacy Go - Mapping the Data Protection Principles onto the Program Code of a Toy Robot. Lecture, BILETA Annual Conference: Regulating Transitions in Technology and Law, BILETA, online, 2020
- Informed consent and other data protection pitfalls. Mastering RDM – Qualitative Data, Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft, 2024
- Der Digitale Zwilling: Körperdaten und Datenkörper. Lehrveranstaltung Recht der digitalen Medien, Universität Luzern, 2024
- Betroffenenrechte in der Schweiz und der EU. Lehrveranstaltung Datenschutzrecht, Universität Zürich, 2022
- Regulierung von Genome Editing in der Pflanzenzüchtung – Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungsansätze. Gentechnik-Gesetz – Chancen und Risiken von Crispr & Co., Bern, 2021
- Wildgewordene künstliche Intelligenz. Taylor AG (Theaterserie), Luzern, 2020