Introduction Day for new Students of Economics and Management

Get to know us! The introduction day on Friday, February 16, 2024 is an opportunity to get to know us from the faculty, your fellow students, the university and the city. In addition to an information session in a seminar room, we invite you to a tour of the university building, lunch together and a guided tour of the city.

Date: 16 February 2024
Time: 09.15 h to 15.15 h
Location: University of Lucerne

For Bachelor students (in German):

TimeProgramMeeting point
09.30 a.m.Tour of the university building Information desk
10.15 a.m.Welcome by the Vice Dean, introduction to the study organization and getting to know each otherRoom 4.B51
12.00 p.m.Lunch togetherNeubad restaurant
1.30 p.m.Guided tour of the city - by students for studentsin front of Neubad restaurant
3.15 p.m.End of the event 

For Master and exchange students (in English):

TimeProgramMeeting point
09.15 a.m.Tour of the university buildingInformation desk
10.00 a.m.Welcome by the Vice Dean, introduction to the study organization and getting to know each otherRoom 4.A05
12.00 p.m.Lunch togetherNeubad restaurant
 1.30 p.m.Guided tour of the city - by students for studentsin front of Neubad restaurant
3.15 p.m.End of the event 


Important: The information part at the university is obligatory for new students of the BA in Economics as well as for mobility students and MA students who have obtained their BA at another university. 
The invitation to the introductory day and the link to register will be sent to all new students by e-mail.