Conference: Big Data and Global Trade Law

The Faculty of Law will host an international conference on Big Data and Global Trade Law. The event is organized by PD Mira Burri in her role as a principal investigator of the NRP75 project ‘The Governance of Big Data in Trade Agreements’. The conference is meant to bridge the disconnected discourses on trade law and policy and data-driven innovation. With leading scholars on board and active engagement from stakeholders and policy-makers, the conference aims at an unbiased, interdisciplinary and future-oriented discussion on the multiple societal implications of Big Data and on how global trade law should be shaped to appropriately address them.


Date: 16th November 2018 to 17th November 2018
Location: University of Lucerne, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Lucerne, Room 4.B55

For more Information:

Conference Flyer

Bibliographical Sketches Speakers


The conference is organized in the framework of the project “The Governance of Big Data in Trade Agreements: Design, Diffusion and Implications” (Project Flyer), which is a part of the National Research Programme (NRP)75: Big Data and generously supported by the Swiss Science Foundation.