Politics of global health data and indicators

Prof. Dr. Sara L.M. Davis (Graduate Institute Geneva): public lecture

Date: 18th June 2021
Time: 10.00 h to 11.30 h
Location: Zoom

Zoom Link: https://unilu.zoom.us/j/64426021604?pwd=UkJlTjFLS3l0bTdmMmsyTWtFQm54QT09

Meeting ID: 644 2602 1604
Passcode: 793084

This presentation explores how politics shape numerical indicators and the data used to measure progress in global health governance. In recent years, data-driven decision-making has been on the rise in development agencies, including the use of predictions and recommendations generated by algorithms. Digitization will accelerate this trend. Numerical indicators have normative power in part because they appear neutral, but in fact, they are embedded in social and political contexts, and their production, interpretation and use is fluid, shaped by politics and social inequalities.

Through examining three examples - including the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on violence against women, data used to set priorities in the HIV response, and indicators and data used to determine eligibility of countries for global health financing - we explore how metrics and data can be contested and revised by diverse social actors. 

Prof. Dr. Sara Leila Margaret Davis, Senior Researcher, Special Advisor, Strategy and Partnerships, Global Health Centre