GMF: Spotlight Gesundheit

As part of the temporary use "universum." at the Inseli Lucerne, the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine (GMF) will be highlighting health topics from everyday life. Visitors can look forward to expert knowledge from practice and research, interactive formats and useful tips.

Date: 23rd August 2023
Time: 18.30 h to 20.30 h
Location: Inseli, Luzern

The programme of the evening consists of the following sessions:

  • Full of sound - for a lifetime? Can we recognise unhealthy listening habits? How do we act to ensure that our listening enjoyment lasts into old age? A discussion on the topic of "safe listening" with practical impulses.
  • Am I addicted to media? To what degree is the use of media intensive and at what point can it become problematic? With the involvement of experts from our partner institution Lucerne Psychiatry, who will also answer questions on dealing with young people in connection with media consumption.
  • Health - can I afford it? The topic of health care costs to participate in, with in-depth information from our experts at the faculty. What can we do ourselves to keep costs in check?

We look forward to a lively exchange, registration is not necessary.

In case of bad weather, the event will take place in the university building, Frohburgstrasse 3 in lecture room 7 (due to the closure of the main entrance, access is only possible until 19.00)

Flyer Event

Further information on universum. at Inseli