Dear researchers, We would like to make you aware of the following points (please scroll down). Please take a look at the updated information and pass it on – thank you very much. Best regards, Bruno Z'Graggen, Research Promotion Unit Director
«Horizon Europe Info Days 2021» online: 28 June until 9 July 2021
Euresearch is mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) to support the researchers in Switzerland refering the participation on the European Research Programmes as the new one «Horizon Europe» (2021-2027). Horizon Europe offers all the researchers with the «Horizon Europe Info Days 2021» a precious opportunity of basic information on all options within «Horizon Europe».
SNSF-Funding Scheme and Priorities for 2021-2024
Call with the T-AP: Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World (RRR)
The SNSF is participating in the T-AP for Social Science and Humanities, which is a collaboration between research funders from South America, North America and Europe. The T-AP) aims to enhance the ability of funders, research organizations and researchers to engage in transnational dialogue and collaboration in the field of SSH. The present call is focused on RRR in a Post-Pandemic World.
Disciplines: Social Science and Humanities
Target group: Postdocs / Professorships, international networks
International network: Cooperation by 3 T-AP countries (at least)
T-AP countries: Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Poland, Southafrica, Switzerland, UK, USA
Project sum: max. CHF 250'000 (per project)
Deadline: 12 July 2021
More information
Call: National Research Programme "Advancing 3R - Animals, Research and Society"
The SNSF launches a call for the NRP 79 based on a mandate from the Federal Council. The programme includes bioscience technology perspective and humanities and social science perspective, which aims to examine in an innovative way the ethical, legal, social, historical, cultural and economic aspects of animal testing and the use of animals in science. It comprises three research modules: Innovation, implementation and ethics and society. One important goal is to promote excellent junior researchers (postdocs) by grants.
Disciplines: incl. Social Sciences and Humanities
Target groups: Postdocs and professorships
Project sum: CHF 300'000 until 1 Mio. / project
Total financial means of NRP 79: CHF 20 Mio.
- Call: 18 May 2021 - Deadline, submission pre-proposals: 3 August 2021 - Invitations to submit full proposals: 2 November 2021 - Deadline, submission of full proposal: 25 January 2022
More information
The National Research Programme 80 (NRP 80): COVID-19 in Society
The Federal Council has mandated the SNSF to implement the new National Research Programme "COVID-19 in Society" (NRP 80). The Programme aims to help manage current and future pandemics. NRP 80 complements NRP 78 "COVID-19", launched in 2020 to investigate primarily the biomedical and clinical aspects, as well as the special call for research on coronaviruses launched by the SNSF.
Thematical field: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, politics and society
Disciplines: Humanities and Social Sciences
Call: Early autumn 2021
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Realisation of a project with partners abroad: Lead Agency and Weave
As an addition to the Lead Agency within the project funding scheme, the SNSF signed an agreement with partner agencies abroad to simplify the submission of multi-lateral projects. Weave and Lead Agency offer the advantage to researchers to submit only a single submission to one national agencies instead of several proposals to different national agencies. This saves a lot of time and effort on all sides.
More information
Covid-19: Information and flexible solutions for researchers by the SNSF
The Covid-19 pandemic causes comprises and questions in research supported by the SNSF. The SNSF does inform constantly and decides measures to support the researchers as well as possible. Pls. do follow the communications by the SNSF by newsletter and in the news room where you find answers responding the FAQs.
More information and FAQs by the SNSF in times of Covid-19
Career Funding Schemes: Instruments and Submission Deadlines
1. Postdoc
2. Candoc
Doc.CH: 15 March und 15 September
Multi-year programme 2021-2024: new priorities and opportunities
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has published its multi-year programme for 2021-2024. In this, the SNSF is seeking to promote four priorities:
- Greater diversity in terms of excellence and promoting equal opportunities for women
- Interdisciplinary collaboration to tackle research topics from multiple angles on a more regular basis
- High-quality data infrastructures and services for use by researchers
- Closer networking between science, business and society
More information
Seven misconceptions about SNSF research funding - and the reality behind them
In spite of detailed information and advice: some misconceptions about SNSF research funding continue to do the rounds. We’ll tell you what’s true.
More information incl. the reality
Internal assistance ref. SNSF Data Management Plan and Open Access
The Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern (ZHB) offers in cooperation with the University of Lucerne internal assistance ref. SNSF Data Management Plan (DMP) and publications in Open Access:
Overview of all upcoming SNSF calls for proposals
Would you like a brief overview of the upcoming SNSF deadlines for all funding schemes to make sure that you do not miss anything? See: Upcoming SNSF deadlines for all funding schemes
The Laura Bassi Scholarship for Publications, Editing Press
The Laura Bassi Scholarship supports publications on master, doctoral and postdoc level:
Target groups: master students, doctoral students, postdocs
Contributions: master thesis $ 750, dissertations $ 2'500, articles $ 500
- 25 November 2020 - 25 March 2021 - 27 July 2021
More Information
EU: Horizon Europe & Support Euresearch
HORIZON EUROPE, the ninth framework programme for research and innovation (2021-2027)
HORIZON EUROPE is launched and does support research in all areas. A total of EUR 95.5 billion will be available for this until 2027.
More information
Call: European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant
Target group: excellent postdocs / rofessorships, all Disciplines (min. 10 years independant research experience)
Project sum: EUR 2.5 Mio. for 5 years
Call: 20 May 2021
Deadline: 31 August 2021
Euresearch online information event: 29 June 2021, 14:00-16:15
More information and registration online information event
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Call Postdoctoral Fellowships
The MSCA Actions are career funding schemes within the 9th European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe (2021-2027). One of them is the Postdoctoral Fellowship, interesting in order to finance stays abroad.
Target group: Postdocs, until max. 8 years after the doctorat, all disciplines
Duration of stays abroad: 12-24 months
Support amount: ca. EUR 5'500-7'500 / month
Call: 18 May 2021
Deadline: 15 September 2021
More information
Announcements Calls: ERC Starting Grant & ERC Consolidator Grant
1. ERC Starting Grant: Career funding scheme
Target group: Postdocs, 2-7 years after doctorate; all disciplines
Project sum: ca. EUR 1,5 Mio. for 5 years
Previewed next call: 23 September 2021
Previewed deadline: 13 January 2022
2. ERC Consolidator Grant: Career funding scheme
Target group: Postdocs, 7-12 years after doctorate; all disciplines
Project sum: ca. EUR 2 Mio. for 5 years
Previewed next call: 19 October 2021
Previewed deadline: 17 March 2022
More infos calls and Euresearch/ERC
Media training, writing coaching, and social media workshops for researchers: courses in 2021
Presenting research projects and findings to a wider audience is an important task, and media diversity and communication requirements are high in the digital era.
The SNSF provides researchers with one-day media courses and social media workshops, and two-day writing courses. The courses are held in Olten and run by media specialists from Feedback from those who have completed the courses has been very positive. They are particularly aimed at researchers who have received SNSF funding, and who will therefore be offered cheaper rates.
Courses 2021
Media trainings: 15.01. / 23.01, online / 13.02. / 04.06. / 18.06. / 26.06. / 23.10. / 20.11. / 26.11., online
Writing: 05.11. / 13.11.
Text intensive courses: 29.01. / 12.06.
Social media workshops: 05.02. / 27.11.
Social video workshop: 28.05. + 29.05.
More information and registration
Internal calls for proposals
SpeedUp 2021: sabbatical for lecturers/researchers and assistant professors (postdocs)
SpeedUp seeks to accelerate the process of obtaining a postdoctoral academic qualification at the University of Lucerne by providing the successful applicant with a sabbatical. This is awarded by the university’s research committee (FoKo).
Sabbatical duration: max. six months
Purpose: a period of time off to focus on your postdoctorate, with no teaching and administrative responsibilities but with ongoing payment of wages
Target group: postdocs, senior teaching and research assistants / assistant professors without tenure track
Number of sabbaticals per year: (generally) two
Amount for replacement staff: new CHF 25,000
Submission deadline: there are two standard FoKo deadlines for 2021.
SpeedUp-Regulations: FoKo-Guideline sheet, 4.2 c) and FoKo-submission deadlines
FoKo applications and frequently asked questions
FoKo submission deadlines 2021
The University of Lucerne research committee (FoKo) would be delighted to support your research project in accordance with its guidelines and looks forward to receiving applications. There are two submission deadlines per year one in spring and the other in autumn. Urgent applications from CHF 1,000 up to a maximum of CHF 12,000 (from 2021 on) may be submitted outside of these deadlines. Valid reasons must be given for the urgency.
Deadlines 2021
Spring deadline 2021
- Submission: 22 March 2021 - FoKo meeting: 15 April 2021 -
Autumn deadline 2021
- Submission: 27 September 2021 - FoKo meeting: 14 October 2021
More information
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about FoKo applications
Here you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about FoKo applications: research projects that are supported by the FoKo; eligibility; submission deadlines; applications outside of deadlines and retroactive applications; criteria and priorities for assessment; formalities; waiting time for FoKo decisions; reporting obligations for applicants.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
The research promotion unit invites you to an uncomplicated CoffeeTalk+ in case you need advice.
present: Dr. Bruno Z'Graggen, research unit director
Target group: researchers
Dates: on Wednesdays, 14-15h (only during the semester)
Location: 3.A60 (coffee space, third floor)
- without registration
Attention: At the moment due to home office, only available by e-mail / zoom E-Mail:
Research Promotion Unit
Do you have questions about funding your research project, submitting applications to the FoKo or third-party funding providers, or planning your academic career? Dr. Bruno Z'Graggen, Research Promotion Unit Director, would be happy to provide you with further information and advice drawn from his broad experience in this field.
Latest information for researchers
Research news
The research news section of the website provides details of current calls for proposals, funding opportunities, and other information.