CAS in Decision Making and Leadership

In an increasingly complex world, leaders at all levels are called upon to make promising decisions, even though time may be short and the information available is incomplete. Decisions, which are wrong, late, uninformed or ineffectual, may result in operational disadvantages and financial losses.

The "CAS in Decision Making and Leadership" (CAS DM) course deals with decision-making contexts and methodology. The course combines a scientific foundation with proven methodology. The Swiss Armed Forces College (SAFC) is our competent partner in providing a dual approach based on academic content and experienced-based learning.

The "CAS DM" course may be undertaken as an independent module or as part of the "MAS in Effective Leadership" programme. Our partnership with the Swiss Armed Forces College (SAFC) ensures that all modules taught within the "MAS in Effective Leadership" are ideal for reserve officers, but also for participants from a non-military background keen to gain experience of military leadership training.