Mira Burri as Expert for the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) on the Future of the World Trade Organization

Mira Burri contributed to the CIGI Essay Series "Modernizing the World Trade Organization".

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is experiencing a crisis of legitimacy — trade wars rage on and the Appellate Body is unable to function. With negotiations at a standstill and disagreements on fundamental issues widening, the WTO is struggling to respond effectively to the challenges of rapid economic, political, social, technological and environmental change. Overcoming these urgent challenges will require a great deal of political will and international cooperation from member states.

The Centre for International Governance Innovation, based in Waterloo, Canada is a think-tank providing forward-looking thinking on key global governance issues. In light of the forthcoming WTO Ministerial Conference 2020, the CIGI gathered together a small group of experts to examine where the WTO is falling short and consider the opportunities that lie ahead and the options for a modernized WTO. As part of the Essay Series 'Modernizing the World Trade Organization', Mira Burri contributed to the discussion of digital trade and what the role of the WTO can be in the reality of the data-driven economy with her essay 'How Should the WTO Respond to the Data-driven Economy?'.

Mira Burri also contributed a video on 'How the WTO Can Prepare for the Digital Economy'.