New Manual for “ICF Core Sets“

New Manual for “ICF Core Sets“ edited and written by members of the Department Health Sciences and Health Policy and colleagues of Swiss Paraplegic Research. 

The new Manual for “ICF Core Sets” offers practical, standardized tools to assess and document functioning, disability, and health according to WHO’s ICF in a variety of health conditions and settings. 

WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and 
Health (ICF) is the commonly accepted framework for understanding 
and documenting functioning and disability. 

The ICF Core Sets selected for this book have been developed to facilitate 
the standardized use of the ICF in real-life clinical practice and 
thus improve quality of care. 
This manual introduces the concepts of functioning and disability and describes how and why the ICF Core Sets have been developed. It shows, step-by-step, how to apply the ICF Core Sets in clinical practice.

This manual is inherently multi-professional and will be of benefit not 
only for practitioners working in various health care contexts but also 
for students and teachers. 

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