„Aiming to leave, aiming to harm“

When are employees likely to intentionally go against organizational norms by taking longer breaks, taking company’s property without permission or falsifying a receipt? Journal of Business and Psychology accepted the paper of Anna Sender, Manuela Morf and Anja Feierabend entitled “Aiming to leave, aiming to harm” for publication.

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Employees’ misbehavior at work can be very costly to organizations. For example, the estimated costs associated with employee theft and fraud in the US amount to USD 50 billion annually. The study of Anna Sender, PhD, Manuela Morf, PhD, and Anja Feierabend, PhD, uses Swiss Human-Relations-Barometer-data and explores how individual situation (intentions to leaver the employer, education) and contextual factors (employer’s industry unemployment rate ) influence the likelihood that employees in Switzerland engage in minor deviance (e.g., coming late to work) or serious deviance (e.g., falsifying a receipt). Results show that employees are most likely to engage in serious deviance when they both want to (high turnover intentions) and are able to (high education and low unemployment rate) find another employment.
