Palliative and Spiritual Care - an interprofessional patient-centered challenge

Finding new avenues for patient-centered palliative and spiritual care where medicine, nursing, pastoral and spiritual care, social work, and psychology work together is both a vision and a work in progress.

Datum: 27. März 2019
Zeit: 18.15 Uhr bis 19.30 Uhr

This talk focusses on the future frontier of integrating psychosocial and spiritual needs in palliative and spiritual care and what it brings to medicine and nursing.

We are pleased to welcome Dr. theol. Dr. Karin Tschanz
Co-Vice President palliative ch, Director of training in Palliative and Spiritual Care, Director of training in systemic pastoral care, University of Bern

For more information on the Lecture Series please download our flyer and poster below:

Flyer Lecture Series Spring 2019

Poster Lecture Series Spring 2019